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discus hole in the head disease

obie trice

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i have a big discus that has at least 6 holes, it is not getting better with any treatment i have given it, it has been quarantined for at least 3 months if not more, the other discus it was previously with before i noticed the first 1 hole are all fine but this one is not getting better yet it is not dying... any ideas... i have thought about euthanism since i have read the posts about it but dont know if i can do it???


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nah because it wasnt like that when i got it, i had had it for about 9 months before it got this, first one hole, then like 3 small holes, i then separated it from the other discus i have (which are all sweet), have tried it in a bare tank with basically nothing in it, tried turning the heat up, tried it on TRICHOZOLE which i got from the vet, the vet didnt know what to give me so they called BROOKLANDS and was advised to give me this. i have been advised to try FLUGAL (or some name like that) or METROZINALE (again i think thats the name) but i cant get these anywhere...

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metro will be your best bet now probably- if good quality, varied foods and super clean water isnt helping then it will be worth a shot trying metro. ive read accounts of fish on the brink of death coming back when metro has been used (for hex and HITH) so its good stuff. flagyl is metro, flagyl is what they call the 'human' version of the drug, not sure what its used for but its the same thing.

have you rung yout vet? if the fish means a bit to ya it wouldnt hurt to take it down if your vet wants to see it (if hes well enough to travel), explain what it is, print out a few pages on HITH and metro usage and see if hell prescribe it then.

because the fish isnt eating it will probably be necessary to do a water treatment, there should be a few articles on that around on the net. if you can get him in a warm tank, free of substrate with nice clean water, good foods and metro it should give him a good boost.

good luck!

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Metro and Tricozole are the same thing. Is the fish eating and behaving normal? Can you get a nice clear picture of the head section of the fish to help us id the peoblem?

If you are treating it with metro, up the temp to 35deg with plenty of airation, BB tank, 400mg/40ltrs water. Redose every 8 hrs with a 50% waterchange for 7-10 days. the water use for waterchange have to be the same temp temp of tank and clorine free.

Good luck,


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