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Bristlenoses and Clown's and whitespot


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Just noticed some white spot on a clown loach in the african tank.. I haven't tried treating a tank with clowns in it yet but I do know when I treated my other tank with bristlenoses I killed them all with the white spot meds..

Whats the deal? Half dose? Or salt? If so how much salt do you use for the bristlenoses and clowns? I used to use some salt with the africans but found they didn't need it so stopped but how much is safe for the bristlenoses...


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Why have you got a clown loach in an African tank? Clowns prefer acid to neutral pH while the Africans like it very alkaline.

I have never had to treat fish for whitespot so will leave that to someone else who has to advise you.

Whitespot is most likely caused by stress. I would remove the clown and treat it separately - they need half dose meds I believe.

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You will have to treat the tank that its in with a whitespot rememedy

You can use salt thought this takes longer IMO to rid them of the parasite

Just use half dose when your treating it

Raise your tank temp to 29c

Do a 25%water change every 3 days and retreat

Keep treating at least one treatment after the last time you saw the whitespot on your fish

White spot is a parasite that attacks a fish whenever the opurtunity arises generally when a fish is stressing though this isnt always the case

It lives in the water free swimming and when it attachs itself to the fish it matures and then breeds and leaves its eggs in the gravel

Whitespot can not be killed when its attached the fish or as an egg in the gravel

this is why you have keep treating after the last time you saw it or the next lot of eggs will hatch and your infested again

Clown loachs will do really well in an african set up as long as your not overbaord with a really high PH

anything upto 8 is fine


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salt is 1tbsp per 40L for plecos/clowns etc but still keep an eye on them, increase temp, do water changes etc etc.

IMO salt is probably safer than meds for clowns but like FF said it does take longer, if your clown isnt heavily infested id go with salt and heat, but if it is i would try meds (half dose) but keep a close eye on em.

i found out the other day why plecos etc are more senstive to salt

Salt tolerance in freshwater fishes varies. The percomorph fishes, like cichlids and anabantoids, are derived from marine ancestors in the age of dinosaurs. In general, they are more salt-tolerant than ostariophysii, the loaches and minnows, characins and catfish that have descended from freshwater ancestors

id always wondered WHY they were more sensitive, apart from the general 'scaleless' thing

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