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Look what I saw this afternoon


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yeah, plenty of the little green anenomes, but they're in their own little holes, so getting them out would be more damaging than anything else.. Although.... the stone is soft, so with enough patience, you could carve the rock out around them! :lol:

I thought sealettuce was a pest, and you're meant to report it to the council & destroy it ASAP? Or am I confused? :P

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Yeh Caryl, I think I know what your talking about.

How long did everything last? Did you have any starfish? What did you have in the tank?

Sorry about the questions :( I just want to do the right thing and I can't find any information apart from what nik posted and what you have been saying.


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Last time I dived out at "W" bay on Wheiheke (sp) we found a tunnel running between two small bays. It was filled with sponges, crays, anenomies and octupii.

I was peering into hole and one of the octupii wrapped itself around my head and pulled the mask off my face along with my reg and I dropped my torch. Pretty scarey stuff in a dark cave/tunnel, but in the rockpools over there at low tide there's heaps of baby crays and optopus, especially under the overhanging rock outcrops that never dry out.

Another great place is Takatu Point on the East coast if you are mobile and don't mind the walk after parking.

Saw some of the biggest crays in my life there, plus tons of babies, and you can get to a lot of it just on snorkle, but watch for hammerheads. :)

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Let' see, what did we have in the tank? Hmmm...

red beadlet anemones

sea cucumber

biscuit starfish

cushion starfish

firebrick starfish

brittle starfish (aptly named)

shrimps (did you know they have red knees?)

paua (shhh don't tell)

hermit crab

we avoided the common crabs as we were told they would eat the other inhabitants





sea lettuce - Caulerpa sedoides

triplefins (saltwater cockabully)


lots of other unnamed critters :D

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Did they all last long? did you happen to take any pictures? Sounds like you had a nice selection on fish and things there!

I have to wait till I come back from Australia (I leave on the 12th, what a day to choose :o). My house doesn't get that hot either, 'cause we don't get much sun (big tree's).


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Some looked like that. They are brittlestars.

All survived for the 2 years we had the tank set up except when it got too hot, the legs would drop off the starfish and they would die. The paua needed it a lot cooler too.

We do not have any pics of it sorry. It was pre-digital camera days.

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We added everything straight away. We had the tank sitting empty then went to the beach and picked up rocks (with as much lichen on them as possible figuring it would be another food source) and sand and the sea water. The water was in 30 litre barrels so we just caught the critters and threw them in one of the barrels of water. When we got home we arranged the rocks artistically (ie dumped them in a pile :D ) put the sand in and poured the barrels into the tank. The filter was turned on, and voila! The filter was only there to keep the mucky bits out and the water circulating. Not sure whether it did anything as a biological device.

I do not think any of the anemones are poisonous.

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We added everything straight away. We had the tank sitting empty then went to the beach and picked up rocks (with as much lichen on them as possible figuring it would be another food source) and sand and the sea water. The water was in 30 litre barrels so we just caught the critters and threw them in one of the barrels of water. When we got home we arranged the rocks artistically (ie dumped them in a pile :D ) put the sand in and poured the barrels into the tank. The filter was turned on, and voila! The filter was only there to keep the mucky bits out and the water circulating. Not sure whether it did anything as a biological device.

I do not think any of the anemones are poisonous.

Thanks for all your wonderful help Caryl :D When I get mine set-up I will be sure to get pictures and post them.

Nik - maybe we should go out hunting :P!


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