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it always happens in three's


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as i was going to clean my guppy tank today, i decided last night it was time to move some of the fish. when i lifted the lid, all of them came to see me.

i noticed 1 of my girls covered in White Spots. after staring at the fish a little longer, saw it on others too, though not as bad.

later in the evening i saw a fry that had lost its top fin, is a pale colour across the section of his body below where the top fin should be and most of its tail is missing. is this fin rot??

also, 1 of my girls has clamped up tight.

don't know parameters yet.

but as for treating the white spot, i have a bottle of tonic. the directions are 1ml - 20L water.

i have BN's in the tank. how would this affect them? do i half the dose or use something else??

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Depends on the meds. I know that malachite green should never be used in a tank that houses catfish as it will kill them. Even at half dose as I found out the hard way and lost 8 baby bns ( they weren't quite babies as they were 3+cms) but it killed them.

Don't know about the white spot treatment as I have never used it and never read the bottle.

Hope it comes right.

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