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Weird behaviour from a Black Neon!?


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Hi guys..

I've just noticed one of my black neons is not swimming normally.

It's swimming (ish) around with it's head up and it's side-fins are flapping/beating quite erratically. When another fish nudges it or comes too close, it appears to go back to normal swimming, but quickly reverts back to the heads-up approach...

Here's a video - It's quite big, so dial-up people need to either have lots of patience, or to not try it lol


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That's what I was thinking... Is it worth isolating it? I've got another tank that's only got a baby guppy in it (I'm letting it grow until it's big enough to fend for itself lol) which has subdued lighting etc... How often is a swim bladder disorder fatal?

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I would tend to go with swim bladdr aswell, but will re-evalueate once I have seen the clip.

We had a fish that seemed it had swim bladder problems, as it used to scoot around the bottom of the tank on it's belly and lunge up for food, she kept eating, and seemed happy enough so we left her, and now she has moved onto another tank with friends who enjoy her aswell.


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