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My Kribs spawned! Krib specialists, ya help is appreciated!

ken loach

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greetings all!

ok so i am a noob and this is my first post...but i need your help!

my kribs just spawned! there's heaps of babies! i stoked! :D

i am pretty much newbie, have had my tank for about just under a year...but have been looking after it very very carefully...

i have a 24x 12 tank...x 2 kribs, x 2 clown loaches, a pleco and x 2 zodiac loaches...

so my question to any experienced krib breeders is....what do i do next?!!!!

hehe :oops:

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no expert but chances are the first lot will be gone within the week either eaten by others in the tank or parents themselves as they need practice at been parents.

either way they will spawn again a month later. don't really need to do anything just leave them to it. :D

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