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Bloated Black Neon


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One of my 4 black neons has become extremely bloated. I've had it for about 2 years. In a 7 gal. bowfront with 4 cardinals 3 rasboras and 3 feather fin rainbows. No new fish added lately, everyone else ok. Amonia, nitrite and nitrate all .0 and Ph about 6.8. Regular weekly water changes about 25%. Temp 78 with 110 penguin bio wheel and under gravel filter marineland powerhead. Not dropsy, acting and swimming normal, still eating, no raised scales.

I tried epsom salt bath (2 tsp. per gallon) about 20 min. Seemed to be working at first, reduced size by about half, then stopped and started to swell again. 2 days later tried another epsom salt bath (35 min.), no change. I fed boiled shelled peas this morning and just added 1 tsp epsom salt to tank about 30 min. ago. Any other suggestions?album_pic.php?pic_id=890

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Boy that sure is bloated! :o

I would have suggested what you have already done - the peas and salts. Since the first dosing worked to begin with, I think a digestive problem is the cause. I wonder if he swallowed a small stone and it is blocking the digestive tract? Goldfish can do this, not sure about neons though :roll:

Judging from the pic I would wonder how old it is. It looks a fair size. As fish age they, like humans, can develop various health problems and perhaps that is what is wrong with the neon.

If it is otherwise feeding well and acting normally I would leave it. If it appears to be in distress, then euthanase it.

Keep up the treatments for a week, it might help if there is a blockage making its way through the system.

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i would be thinking egg bound too if the epsom salts and peas havent cleared a blockage. not much you can do about them though i dont think :( unsure if your able to sex black neons but would assume so, as long as shes not male i think egg bound is a good possibility :lol:

i agree with caryl- keep up the treatments just incase, good luck :)

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Thanks, I appreciate all your input. One funny thing, when this first started, I put it in an isolation box while feeding the others. I promptly sunk to the bottom an laid on it's side, I thought sure it was done for. After about 15 minutes of that, I turned it loose and it swam off like nothing had happened. That was over a week ago. It did fine in both of the epsom salt baths, I guess it just didn't like that box! BTW I guess it is pretty old (for a tetra) it's about an inch and a half.

Thanks again!

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When they are egg bound, they tend to stick out more sideways, not hang below like in the photo. And, as Sharn said, the treatments would not have had an effect like they did in the start.

I looked up my trusty disease book but couldn't find anything that matched :cry:

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Hi Ven., I don't see reading thru what you say about your fish that you have it now isolated.

If not, do so to a hospital tank in case of rupture, also, it is a lot easier to treat a smaller tank than a large main one.

Good luck.

Alan 104

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Hi Alan,

It's no longer in isolation. Only in a 7 gal. going to move other fish to another tank.

Hi Antwan,

Actually it's that big on both sides, looks like it swallowed a grape whole! :lol: I had thought about the "squeezing" option, but read it could cause hemoraging. As long as the poor little guy is still hanging in there, I don't want to do anything to cause it's demise. Beside, I've seen men with "beer bellies" like that live for quite some time! :oops:

Anyway, thanks again everyone!

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unfortunatly we have had a gold fish like this tried everything peas lettuse etc nothing seemed to work. And the bad part it died ( hated to say that) it started getting really slow and then floated upside down and then if you touched it he pirked right up. then a week after that he died. But he was alot bigger than the pictures you showed ( hard to believe but true).


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unfortunatly we have had a gold fish like this tried everything peas lettuse etc nothing seemed to work. And the bad part it died ( hated to say that) it started getting really slow and then floated upside down and then if you touched it he pirked right up. then a week after that he died. But he was alot bigger than the pictures you showed ( hard to believe but true).

are u talking about dropsy? was the scales sticking out like a pine cone cuz its different.

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Hi Fishboi,

On mine it's not dropsy, I've seen that before. I tried another epsom salt bath yesterday (seemed to help the 1st time). While in the bath I noticed the swollen area was actually transparent (accepting the poor thing is probably going to die anyway) I tried an experiment, I inserted a very small syringe and drew out about a teaspoon of fluid. Fish showed no signs of distress and so far, as of this morning, looking much more comfortable. Since I still haven't determined why it's retaining the fluid, I don't expect it to solve the problem, but at least it won't "bust" from the swelling.

Hi Kyle,

Sorry to hear about your goldfish. Perking up like that is typical, it's usually a fish's only defense. Look and act as healthy as you can so you don't get eaten! :roll: (it's kind of like that where I work too!!) :lol:

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Fluid didn't run out, I drew it out with the syringe. It did ok for about 3 days, But as I expected it started to swell again (since I didn't find the root cause). It finally got tired of fighting and was laying upside down on the bottom when I got home from work. When I tried to net it, it tried to swim off. Finally decided it was time to give up, I gave it the "freezer bag" treatment :cry:

Only good news is 3 other neons and 4 cory cats are doing fine and showing no signs of problems. I had moved everyone else out of the tank last week

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