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Filter Suggestion


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Hey guys,

I'm after a cheap filter that will do what I need it to. I've got a problem with floaties on top of the tank, when the spray bar knocks them in to the water they float back up before reaching the filter inlet, and they're too small to net etc.

So I want a cheap filter that I can jam whatever I need in, and put wherever I need it.

None of this 'replacable cartiridge' business. Whether it be cheap wool, coral sand, noodles or carbon, I want to be able to just pile it in there as needed. If I need to run carbon, I dont want 1/3 carbon, 2/3 filter 'foam' I want 100% carbon. If I need to run filter wool, then I dont want the foam either, if I'm seeding a tank I might want all foam or all noodles.

I'm thinking kind of like those little air driven box filters, just with a powerhead, and able to stick to the side of an aquarium (allowing it to be easily moved around as needed).

Just wondering if anybody knows of a product/price that sounds ideal. I dont like going in to pet stores and opening all their filters to see how it works :oops:

I know the Shark's require the 'optional cartridge'. And the AquaOne/Cosmo internals have holes that let carbon etc glide past, and an External is just too much pissing about.

Any thoughts welcome :) including the 'dont be silly' thoughts.

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what about a HOB? you can put em on nearly any tank and even though they have cartridges you can just rip them out and pack it to the brim with whatever you want. i find sponge filters dont do much mechanically unless they have a high turnover but HOBs are good for water polishing as they do move a bit around.

HOBs can vary price, i have the aqua one ones and you can rip the cartridges out and shove whatever you want in there (which is what i did). online is cheaper too, my 900LPH one is around 90 in stores :o

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Yeah HOB certainly looks ideal, buuuuut :lol: I've got pretty glass lids. So need something internal. Guessing I should just buy one of those Cosmo cheapie internals.

Has anyone tried those surface skimmers?

http://www.eheim.com/skimmer.htm Eheim

http://www.hagen.com/usa/aquatic/product.cfm?CAT=1&SUBCAT=107&PROD_ID=01002400020101 Fluval

Problem is all that wood I put in the tank, has these 'hairs' growing on it, and once they fall off they float.

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Sup Jono!

I have one of those surface skimmers that I've been trying to figure out a way to put on my big discus tank. You're welcome to borrow it to clear up floaties or what not. I want it to clear up surface film from feeding frozen bloodworms. Will get to it eventually as it means an additional canister filter since it won't fir on the FX5. I'm pretty sure it's one of the Eheim jobs. Have you had a chat with a LFS about ordering them in?

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hey blue

everytime I see you post I end up playing with Gizoogle, just used it to translate the Fluval Surface Skimmer page haha cracks me up

Removes organic fizzilm on tha playa surface

Anywho back on topic

How much did it cost? I'm thinking of buying one, as I imagine the wood is going to be err 'malting' for a while yet. Also been thinking of DIY ideas, because I can see how simple the idea is.

Thanks for the offer but I can clear it up with what I have here, its just the fact that its beating my existing setup :evil: Really if I just moved my filter intake it'd pick up the hairs as they get splashed down from the bar, I'm just leaving it there so when I put in a solution, I can see if it works.

Although if the skimmer is more than $50 I think I'll borrow yours :lol: would hate to buy it and find out it was crap. I'll have to pop around at some stage anywho as I hear you're doing a little tank remodeling, have to have a look-see :)

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Tank remodeling - yeah, about that.... */me kicks tank out window*

I either get to strip it down and rebuild it or wad on about 10 more layers of silicone after a cracked base incident. It's already not very pretty and still leaking so I'm at an impasse on what I'm going to do with it in the end.

My skimmer came with a filter and based on most Eheim products I can safely say it would cost more than $50. Just sitting in the garage unused at present but yeah, you can borrow it to figure out if it does what you need it to do. Feel free to buy one or make your own later down the line.

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Tank remodeling - yeah, about that.... */me kicks tank out window*

I either get to strip it down and rebuild it or wad on about 10 more layers of silicone after a cracked base incident. It's already not very pretty and still leaking so I'm at an impasse on what I'm going to do with it in the end.


If its just the base, layer heaps of silicone in S patterns, then a lip around the outside and cracked areas, then place good glass over top, let cure and viola?? Done it myself once and it worked 100%. The weight of the water held it down and kept it sealed. It looked like absolute ass but thats what gravel is for :lol:

If its not the base then oh :( bugger. There is a glass dude opposite Mitre 10 (the one off Wakatiki St), really nice guy and good prices, he might be able to help get it sorted.

You're welcome to the 4ft tank I have here for spare glass sheets. Its got two 1200x300 (or maybe 400) and two 300 x 300 (or maybe 400) sheets left. Actually has more than that because it was strengthened by placing additional glass on top of the original.

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Not too fussed. The tank guy will be called in soon to have another stab at fixing it as I don't think it matters how much silicone I throw on any more. Thanks for the offer but his glass prices are good enough to pay for the service alone.

On a side note, you really need to come by and take a look at the new fish I have lurking in my tanks. Nothing huge and scarey but some nice rare critters.

So back to the topic - filters. Do you think an internal, HOB or surface skimmer would be best for you? Have you thought of just scrubbing the @$#D(%R out of the wood with a steel brush until all the loose bits come off? Finding a wood with a harder density would be a good idea. I have a new piece of wood - pretty much a tree trunk - in the big tank (you haven't seen it yet) that came out of a river and since it's good hard wood and spent plenty of time in the water there's none of those issues involved.

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Will do, have to pay more attention to the Perch now I know what it is.

Yeah I should have given it a good beating with a steel brush before hand, it did get a good wash but not really a scrub. Unfortunately its too late now as I have set the tank up already, and its huge, I had to 'borrow' a rock from a retaining wall to weight the bugger down. I think the surface skimmer will work, as normally there isn't much surface disturbance, so all those bits float to the top.

I raised the spray bar as the tank is still likely to be going through either its ammonia or nitrite spike and my fish looked like they were breathing a bit harder than normal. Due to the huge light hood I have to wait until Helen is home before I do anything with the tank, and by that time I'm often not in the mood, still hasn't had its first partial water change yet.

Surface skimmer would be a permanent solution to both protein build ups (which I notice disappear if I stop feeding bloodworms) and the hairs, but a cheap little internal that I can put anything in is still something I want to grab.

Benefit is that if I want to run a special media, or seed other tanks etc, I got a little guy I can move around easily, and put whatever I want in. So skimmer solves that tank, but still keen on recommendations for internals!

Picture of the tank if you haven't seen it yet:


ugh my camera is HORRIBLE, you can see the wood has tanned the water. Does carbon remove the tannins? It looked so much nicer when it was clear.

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Wow, huge improvement! Your use of the java fern and moss on the wood will really add a natural feel to the trunk effect once it's matured and "grown on"

I have some internals over here that you can buy borrow rent - whatever mate, as long as it helps you out. If you give me some notice I can even start running one on a mature tank (snail and pest free) to help speed up your cycle.

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Wow, huge improvement!

It's a whole new tank. I still have the other 4 footer which is rock based with 2 large angels, and large Firemouths. This planted tank is kind of a 'grow-out' tank for any small fish I pick up. Got two baby koi angels, and four young Firemouths, and 14 neons (was 15 but one got tasted) at the moment.

I have some internals over here that you can buy borrow rent - whatever mate, as long as it helps you out. If you give me some notice I can even start running one on a mature tank (snail and pest free) to help speed up your cycle.

Sweeeeet :D

I actually had heaps of baby snails in the planted tank (accident), but my angels ate them, haven't seen one since!

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