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zebra danio problems


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hi there, I have 4 zebra danios and 2 bristle nose's in a 60 litre tank. i do regular water changes around 15 - 20% a fortnight and siphon the gravel every 3 weeks.

1 of the danios has really deep red colouring around the gills and a growth on the underside of its body that is partly open. It is still really active and still has it's normal appetite. Im not sure if it is stress related or what. The largest danio is a real bully and chases the others around 24/7 as soon as they get within an inch it!!! :evil: I dont know if this is normal activity or not??

any help appreciated :D

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Danios are a schooling fish and the biggest is usually the leader who bullies the others. If you have a group of them it doesn't matter because, even if he is bullying 24/7 he has lots to bully so all of them get a rest at some point. I wonder if your sick danio has had more than his fair share of bullying and in an attempt to get away may have damaged his underside on a rock or other sharp object. The colouring around the gills indicates a problem. I would separate the sick danio so you can keep a close eye on it and check for secondary infections starting. It will also give him recovery time.

Perhaps you might consider getting a few more danios to keep the bully occupied. :D 6 or more is best for schooling fishes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


thanks for the reply, sorry i havent had a chance to reply sooner, been a bit busy.

The tank is fairly new and it only has about 4 plants at the moment. I have been meaning to get some more danios but i decided against it at the moment till i can work out what is going on with the problem one.

I dont have a second tank to isolate the sick one at the moment. And no i havent done any tests apart from ph lately. The ph is sitting at 6.7 - 6.8.

This morning when i woke up the smallest danio was dead (not the injured/sick one) along with one of the bristlenose catfish (which had been stripped by the other bristlenose of it's top layer) I had performed a water change by my normal procedure the afternoon before.

would it be best to perform a little euthenaisa on the injured danio?? Although it seems happy enough, eating normally and as active as usual. It doesnt appear to be upset. The wound seems to be more open than it was before, and the red coulouring around the gills has extended to around one of the eyes and changed to a purple/reddish colour :(

I am not sure what to do???


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Since it appears to be worsening I would euthanase the danio. More plants would help calm the fish and make them feel more secure as they must be feeling rather exposed at the moment with few hiding places.

Have you checked your nitrate and ammonia levels? There could be a water problem although you are not overstocked and do regular maintenance.

What physical size is the tank? I know it is 60 litres but is it short and wide or tall and narrow? Just curious :D

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yeah, that sounds like a good idea.

I'll get onto some more plants over the next couple of days.

are there test kits you can get that do the tests for everything???

the tank dimensions are 24" x 12" x 12" roughly around 60 litres i think.

thanks for the help

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How did the water tests go jiba???? Since it is a new tank it may be that the cycling is still finishing perhaps. The first two test kits I got were the PH and nitrate one followed by the ammonia and nitrite ones. I have never regretted it and still use them even though I have been keeping fish for five years.

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After doing the tests the Ph is 6.8, both ammonia and nitrites are just below 1 , all seems to be in order there.

The tank seems to fine now, i put the sick/injured looking danio into the freezer the other day :(

Then i read what Matthew had posted on here, and i thought about it and maybe that was what had happened?? but it didn't explain why the others had died.

I added about 5 more plants the other day, some java fern, babies tears and some blue ma(something or other) so there is a nice cover for the danios to hide! and the remaining bristle nose loves them!!

Thanks for all your help! it is greatly appreciated!

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And, in my opinion, that would help explain the trouble you are having. I found that after my tank had cycled and the nitrates/nitrites had 'spiked' and as Ira said come down to 0 the worst of my troubles ceased. Now I just need to be careful not to add too many fish at one time - even after five years of stable tank.

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mmmmmmm It took my first tank approximately 6 weeks to cycle fully and then I found that it fluctuated at times. It took really quite awhile to settle and stabilize.

I suggest you get the test kits and test weekly and every water change for awhile. do be careful not to add too many fish at once, that also can throw out a tanks eco system.

How is everything going for you now???

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mmmmmmm It took my first tank approximately 6 weeks to cycle fully and then I found that it fluctuated at times. It took really quite awhile to settle and stabilize.

I suggest you get the test kits and test weekly and every water change for awhile. do be careful not to add too many fish at once, that also can throw out a tanks eco system.

How is everything going for you now???

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everything seems really settled at the moment, the new plants are taking well, and the remaining bristlenose is doing fine, and the 2 remaining danios seem to be in high spirits.

I'll keep an eye on all the levels for a few more weeks before getting a few more danios, just to see if things settle down.

Will keep ya posted!

Thanks :D

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