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dosing virgin


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yep thats me..thanks to drifty for the goods :)

ive dosed Mg, Ca and Baking Soda (over a couple of days and not huge shifts were needed)

my ph has risen and i understand the baking soda is the cause rather than the other 2.....is this correct and if so is it temporary or is something to be done to lower it ?? thanks..

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yep thats me..thanks to drifty for the goods :)

ive dosed Mg, Ca and Baking Soda (over a couple of days and not huge shifts were needed)

my ph has risen and i understand the baking soda is the cause rather than the other 2.....is this correct and if so is it temporary or is something to be done to lower it ?? thanks..

Yes that is correct, baking soda is the only thing there which will affect pH (not always up though).

Why do you want to lower pH? What is it sitting at?


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Tel, pH tends to fall, and keeping it high enough is the issue, so most usually a rise in pH is a good thing. A modest addition of baking soda will not normally take pH over 8.3, which is a good number.

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Yes, I'll agree with Layton, :lol: .

A 1 kh addition of baking soda will not normally raise pH to that level, but it is not impossible, could temporarily go up to 9 in some unusual circumstances. However it is more likely that your test kit is giving you the wrong number.

But even if it really is 8.8. no worries, it will come back down. First thing you should do is borrow a different pH test kit to double check your one.

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Baked baking soda could raise pH like that.

Don't bother baking it.

Or if you want a more balanced addative, use a mixture of around 6 parts baking soda to 1 part baked baking soda, and that should have a pH close to 8.3 from the get go, and doesn't have to go through the offgasing process (which is what causes the temporary dip in pH when just using baking soda)


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Usually baking soda would temporarily lower pH, before reaching equilibrium at around 8.2-8.3.

How are you measuring pH? 8.8 seems unusual.

AP test kit, just did another with new soln, same type and shows 8.4.

i retested using the orig kit also and got 8.4...i think i judged the colour wrong. :oops: good to learn something new tho :)

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