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electric yellow holding?


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hi guys have got a colony of Electric yellows 1 male 4 females any way have noticed one of the females lower jaw seems to be saggy/swollen does this mean she is holding ? she is also keeping to herself and staying in one particular plant she is about 6 cm long they were purchased as fry with breeding in mind about 7-8 mounths ago thanks for any advise :-? :-? :-?

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If shes fine in the tank shes in (ie not being harassed too much) then leave her for about 2 weeks and then remove her strip her and stick her back in...

If shes being harassed then you can take her and put her in her own tank to spit naturally but we prefer to leave then in the tank so they keep some of their standing in the tank and strip them at 2 weeks so they dont get too thin for holding for 3-4 weeks..

Good luck

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If your tank your planning to put them in is too small then they may scrap a bit, if they're not getting hassled i would leave them in the community for 2 weeks and either strip or put them into a tank to spit naturally.

If you do strip at 2 weeks the fry probably wont be full free swimming just wait until they are before you feed them.

They may spit early if its their first go...

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I start with my hat :lol:


then you try this way too


Hope these articles work, I tend to strip at 14 days, or the weekend following the 14 days. That way I have time, no distractions...At 14 days electric yellow babies tend to be free swimming, that means no egg sack.

Frenchy :D

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hy guys just an up date striped the mums today 25 fry all up they still have a bit of egg sack left but all seem to be happy and healthy :bounce: put mums back into the main tank and one spat out a baby i missed :cry: poor little bugga didnt have a chance :cry: befor he even reached the bottom :cry: one of my pearl eartheaters swooped in and munchedhim .

But all in all everything seems to be going well :lol:

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