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Hi there, setting up a turtle tank

Ninja turtle

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THat just about covers it, you will also need something for the turtle to get out of the water onto, a rock or log. You can also add gravel but this tend to end up in a pile at one end. Extras you might want to think about are a good filter, this will lower the amount of water changes you have to do to keep the water looking nice, turtle are pretty messy.

Turtles also need UV light for there shell to grow correctly, if you dont it will get white spots and go soft, so make sure you get the correct type of bulb for your light, or do what I used to do and set up a small padling pool outside so it can swim and sunbath for a few hours each week.

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Turtles also need UV light for there shell to grow correctly

not UV light they need UVB which produce the Vitamin D3 they need for their shell.

best filter is an canister filter as they dont like current. and heating 1 watt per litre.

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Think about it then.

Where do they come from?

What is the temperatures that they have to endure to lead a happy, reproductive life?

It gets so cold in the winter that they hibernate. Mine are at the moment.

I don't see a heap of heaterstats in their pools or streams for them.

Now what is your answer?

The ones that push the heater idea is the LFS, another sale.

The UV lighting takes the place of the sunlight that they'd get in nature.

Alan 104

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I think the reptile lights are a way for the pet shops to make money also.

The male we have been breeding with,we have had from a few months of age and is now 9 years old and has never seen a reptile light. They need to have access to sunlight and an area to dry out so a platform in the sun will do both. I heat mine to about 25 deg C. and they do not hibernete. If they hibernate they need to get to very good condition first. They do not have to hibernate, and I am expecting mine to start breeding again soon. It is all a matter of personal preference, just make sure that what you choose is good for the turtles.

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Just as a side note to, I used to let mine run round the house, and outside to, this was all good fun but they can move really fast and are starting to become a pest in the wild. There has been talk of banning their sale, so just make sure you keep a close eye on it if you let it out. Or at some stage decide to keep it outside.

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If the tank is inside, don't waste your time with a heater.

I have my turtles outside all the year round.

Including this coldest June for 34 years.

yep i totally agree with that one i raise two turtle with absolutely no heater or light and they are both over 11 and healthy with no shell abnormality. [they do get basking area with direct sunlight]

but do keep in mind that in the wild they breed just before summer so they all that time to grow and prepare for winter and if u buy one now from the pet shop its most probably couple of month old and i would suggest a heater just to last it for the winter.

There has been talk of banning their sale, so just make sure you keep a close eye on it if you let it out.

yep had a talk with the biosecurity ppl about that subject and if they do pass the ban it would be early next year.not only would they be ban for sale also swap trade of gifted away. the only reason they are not banned yet is there is no evidence that they are able to reproduce in our water ways.

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