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Siamese fighters........


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Hi all

This may seem like a dumb question but........ :wink:

Can I put a siamese fighter (male) in a community tank? He would be going in with Gouramis, Kribs, Black widows and BN's.

I have also got a livebearer tank with swords, mollies and guppies. Would he be better in with them? They seem heaps more placid.

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in my opinion.. it is the size of the tank that matters and how many hiding places there are.

I think a betta would be fine in a tank with those sort of fish if they are in large tank (like 3 ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft or larger) but i would not recommend putting all that lot in a 2ft x 1ft x 1ft.

Think of it in people terms.

get 10 people. 3 or 4 are not exactly friends. stick them all in a small room like your average living room size. chances are if they are left for a while to do their thing there will be a disagreement.

take the same 10 people and stick them in a basket ball stadium with something to do for entertainment for example and leave them for a while and (hopefully) everyone will have enough space to be happy and stay away from those that they don't like too much.

In thinking of this example though, i found it amusing to think of teenagers and drunken males in these situations :lol:

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AH HA! :lol:

It all makes sense now. The community tank is a 3 ft reasonably heavy planted one with a piece of driftwood effectively seperating the tank (its rather large). I have to keep trimming my plants as they wont stop growing. I have no idea if Im cutting the wrong bits off or not but they all seem okay :oops:

The livebearer tank is only a 2ft but again heaps of plants for all the bubs.

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Good one Loopy, very accurate. :D

Its funny how no matter how big though you always get bullies who cross over the line, with fish and people :D

Your tanks sound pretty cool farmchick.

Do you guys find with your Siamese Fighters that you can stroke their back and they don't mind, they are the only fish I have found they like this, the others tend to shy away. And man if a plec even sees you they tend to swim for it, well float fast really.

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cool Mystic, your Aro sounds more like a cat than a fish :D

I have two siamese fighters (in two separate tanks) cherry a red one and blueboy, gee I wonder what colour he is, Original I know. cherry is in the smaller tank (60L) so thinks he is the king of the tank and likes to be patted on the back, I can't get near blueboy though as he is in a 4 ft tank and likes to hang out at the bottom at feeding time as he thinks the sprulina discs are only for him.

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