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whos had a go at pairing up clowns?


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im going to try to pair up my maroon clown, it is quite large and has changed to a very dark color since i have had it.

i have owned it for nearly 2 years :-? so im not sure if it will accecpt a new maroon clown or if it will want to share its anemone but im keen to give it a go.

i have been thinking of doing it for ages so i have asked around and most seem to think its a matter of luck really.

so who has tried? were you sucessfull? any do's or don'ts?

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Try and find as small a partner as you can, (with-in reason of coruse) I haven't ever had problems with pairing up clowns, though I have never had Maroons and only done it a couple of times. As I understand it they in the wild if the female (larger dies, the next largest male will grow and become female if the largest male dies the next largest takes it place. I'm happy to be corrected here, but I don't think you will have much of a problem.

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marrons (premmis) are different from any other clowns.

If you want to have a go at pairing get a small one. setup a container in the tank to put the new fish in. (make sure it is clear) After a week or so you can try to put the small one in. just make sure there are a heap of places for them to hide.

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i paired my maroons 3 years ago. I had a HUGE anemone which I think helped. I put the other in expecting the worst but they were both happy together. I had a container setup just in case though. The mate I put in was half the size of the other clown

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im not sure about maroons but i have paired up 2 pairs of ocelaris clowns with no prob.

As I understand it they in the wild if the female (larger dies, the next largest male will grow and become female if the largest male dies the next largest takes it place.

yea this is right, i have four clowns in a tank the largest is female and second largest male, (i hope :lol: ) who have paired up, and then a pair of juviniles. the juviniles wont continue to grow in size until they need to move up the ranks.

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thanks guys for your input.

today i brought a small maroon clown with whtie stripes. :bounce: :bounce: he is about half the size of my older clown so should be a good match.

i have him in my "just in case tank" :wink: as i did not like the look of some of the other fish he was in the shop with. i will moniter his condition over the next few days and then if all is well i will put him in my display. he has eaten tonight, be it a very small amount it was still a good sign.

cant wait to see what happens! hmmm :-? never thort of myself as a match maker :lol:

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I will let you know how I go with my pairing up aswell after the weekend.

I'm toying with the idea of trying the pairing in the quaranteen tank, I have a divider that I can put in if they get too aggressive with each other.

I know there possibly could be a rumble for top dog position, I just hope it doesnt get too bad.

If my two don't pair up, and your 2 don't either, would you like to trade :lol: :lol: :lol:

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put my little guy into the display tonight, my big clown took a while to notice him but when he did he didnt waste any time in introducing himself as the boss! :o

i dont hold much hope for my new little one as so far after 3hrs he is missing parts of 2 of his fins. he has hidden in the rocks and i am not able to catch him, so he will be there for the night at least. im not sure if he will be accecpted by my large clown, i guess time will tell. :wink:

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My new little one is arriving today :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: , my partner is picking it up on his way back from wellington, hopefully the weather won't turn nasty and the Napier/Taupo road won't be closed. I't only a 3 hour drive from Hastings to Rotorua so I will be counting down the hours and minutes until the fish arrives.

Hows your little one this morning ??

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i tryed the mirror, moving rocks etc, he was still being harresed. :evil:

got home tonight to find him in my overflow, tattered and stressed :( but alive and safe :D , so i have put him back in my holding tank and will let his fins regrow and then i will pass him on to a loving home where he will not be beaten up!

shame really, i thort my clown would like the company.

how goes it trinity? any luck with your new little fella?

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my little fella is swimming arround this morning so survived the trip from hastings, he is so tiny :o

Once I get him a little fatter I will get another divider in the Q tank and try adding the other GSMC. If the little one starts getting beaten up too much I can just slide in the divider and seperate them. Let them get used to each other then try taking the divider out again and see how it goes. I may have to repeat this a few times.

From the reading I have been doing at reef central the above method is similar to what they recommend.

You may want to try this method JDM with your little fella. The dividers are cheap and you just cut them to the size of the small tank.

I will keep you up to date on how it goes, if they don't pair up we can probly swap clowns and try again :lol: :lol: :lol:

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My maroons have had their introduction in the quaranteen tank :D

The little fella went right up and started twitching its tail, the big fella wasn't worried about the whole thing.

The little fella is very excited about having a friend, meanwhile the big fella just swimming arround as if nothing happened. :bounce: :bounce:

As the little fella doesn't have full colour in its stripes it could be sexless and may change to Male, the big fella may turn to female if it's not already.

30 minutes after introduction and they are swimming together, with the little fella ocasionally rubbing up against the big fella :bounce: :bounce:

fingers crossed 8) they don't attack each other.

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