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What to do with a 20L tank


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I looooove Wet Pets, the staff must think I'm crazy because when I get there (which isnt that often) I spend ages there, even just deciding what plants I want ;-)

Am going there on Wednesday before I head home up to Hawkes Bay. Was hoping not to have to re-cycle my tank, but I have a sick goldfish for absolutely no apparent reason so I think it might be better to start from scratch. Will just get some plants and start the cycle... The healthy comet will be going into a pond :-)

Where in the HB??

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If there are any there (males for females or both?) do you want me to just let you know or buy them for you and bring them up?

My Dad is coming down to Palmy tomorrow and I'm coming home with him up to the Bay.

Am going to clear my fishtank out completely as I'm pretty sure my goldfish have dropsy (both of them now) due to their being slightly bloated with scales sticking out :cry: And as I don't know whats causing it, its complete clear out time.

Then am going to plant the tank up and leave it for the 3 weeks I'm away over the hols to cycle. Then *fingers crossed* when I come back I can check the water and hopefully get my first ever tropical fish *yay*

Also collecting rainwater instead of Wet Pets water as my pH was WAY high when I got it tested at animates the other day to check my levels. Read in another thread somewhere that the Wet Pets water had high pH and at least this way I know its pretty pure (and free!)

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Caper - Am pretty sure, they match the descriptions I read online. Any other ideas on what it could be then??

Caryl - Was planning on adding some Cycle product and maybe some tankwater from an established tank. Or if you have a better plan please feel free to share it

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Yeah I'm tossing up between a lot of options lol. Will see how much room I have in the car tomorrow ;-)

Also don't want a crudload of algae in my tank when I get back. Plus I'm impatient and want to have fun planting etc NOW hehehe

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