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Small aglae controling fish


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I was wondering a few days after my single BN catfish died what other catfish would be good to help control algae. I was thinking of two corydoras (but they are more omnivorish) or perhaps ottocinclus' or two BN's

What small catfish or any other fish is good at controling algae. They have to be small as my tank is only small. Perhaps max 5/7 cm each.


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I have 2 ottos, Oscar & Felix, in my 10 gallon with my goldfish. I just love them and they are great at keeping their home free of algae, but with that said, I don't have real plants so I don't know how they do in that situation.

That's what I want for my other 2 tanks but can't get them :evil: :evil:

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Ottos are shy and like to be in groups, usually retail for about $15 too so can be kinda pricey. I have 4 and they do a good job and only eat algae. Some others like black line flying fox start to fancy flake and other food you put in after a while :wink:

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