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Gareth and Dena's birthday present


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I should have explained that Gareth and Dena's birthdays are just a couple of weeks apart and not only did we combine their birthdays, we combined with Dena's parents to supply the present. Her dad built the cabinet (and a beautiful job he did of it too) and we supplied the stuff on top (and the filter inside the cabinet).

We had fun visiting all the lfs to buy suitable fish. It is now stocked with angels, harlequins, leopard corys, opaline gouramis, neons (left over from old small tank they had) and tetras.

Once the tank has matured some more and they have made suer all have settled in, they want to add some blue Rams.

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First of all....very nice looking young couple :bow::bow::bow:


Love the cabinet, very nice job! What size is the tank Caryl? Looks really good. :bow::bow::bow: What is on the inside on the upper left hand side of tank?

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I hope you realise the tank sits in front of a gap in the wall between the kitchen and lounge so the tank can be seen from both sides in the middle. That is what the blue strip is in the middle - the water level indicator on the jug on the bench behind in the kitchen. :lol:

I suspect the thing you mean is the green bar on the top left? That is the return spray bar for the external Jebo filter.

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