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3 questions from a newbie!


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Hi everyone! Im a newbie and I wish I had found this site earlier! It would have made my start into Tropical Fish so much easier (and cheaper!)

My tank is an Aqua one 620T (The deep version :roll: not the best of choices when you have short arms!)

When I set it up I was told to put the noodles in first, then the white filter pad and then the black pad on top. Have been reading thru previous posts and found it done the other way. White pad, then noodles, then black pad. Which way is the right way for this tank?

Now... with the lights....I have them set up to turn on at 3pm and go off at 11pm. Was told 8 hours was enough? Is this the best time to have them going or does it suit the fish to have it on "their timetable" - not mine!

Nextly... Is it being in direct sunlight that causes the "greenies" to live on the inside of the glass and on the plants and stones or just light in general? Or is it caused by something else?


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hello and welcome :bounce: :bounce:

1st. the filter is usually fine on the top and coarse at the bottom. so its sound like u got it right. [ u must be reading the thread on the large externals which comes with bio balls and noodles]

2nd. light should be around 12 hours i have my set for 13 starting at 9am to 10pm.

3rd. when setting a tank up usually avoid sunlight which is more then likely causing ur algae problem but a couple of bristlenose would take care of that.

hope that helps. enjoy the site :P

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Sorry, can't help in the filter department as I only have hang on filters, but as you can already see you have lots who will help you :P

I thought with real plants it was at least 10 to 12 hours, but again, those with real plants will direct you.

I do know that it is not good to have your tanks in direct sunlight.

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