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Won't somebody save the plants??


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I just bought a pair of Flame Dwarf Gouramis!

Very pretty they are too! :D

One problem - they're tearing my Cabomba & the other stuff that looks like Cabomba, just not as 'woody' (can't think at the moment - too much beer :lol:)....

Is this simply their way of saying "feed me more often", or are they just hungry for some soft, fluffy plants???? :o

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:o I couldn't do that Caryl!!! :lol:

I'm not certain if the pair are actually a 'pair' per se.... I went to Jansens on the North Shore, and just asked for 2 of the red gouramis lol

And YES - it's Ambulia!!!! :roll: Now that the beer has worn off, I can think :P

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The male has a bit more colour, and the anal and dorsal fins are slightly more pointed at the tips, plus the female will have a bit deeper body. :)

This is one fish that NEEDS the fine leaved plants to spawn, and without them you would be struggling to get them interested.

Ambulia.. Cabomba and Myryophylum grow rapidly, so you have no worries, and the fry will appreciate the plant cover.

As mentioned... slip a partition in if you have other fish in there.

Use a piece of flyscreen mesh on a wire frame and jam into position... this works great, and allows for water circulation.

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Well, I don't think they'll be breeding now :cry:

I just found one of them dead! :o

It was lying in the corner where there's a lot less water flow than the rest of the current, so I think it must have floated there... All the other fish seem fine... I'm just about to go do pH checks etc...

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Well... the pH is at 7ish... 0 Nitrites, 0 ammonia... BUT the water temp was up @ 32ºC!!! I've turned the heater down to 26ºC... hopefully that will allow for the temp to stay warm during the night, but not broil my fish over the day!!! :o

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Sorry about your fish Aqua.

They are not as hardy as the normal gouramies and often over rated as being an easy fish to keep, but in fact are not really.

I think the strains today are far more fragile than years ago, perhaps because of all the mixed breeding they have undergone.

There was talk on one of the forums that the dealers were only releasing males because of this prob.

Don't know if it's true or not, or if that applies over here.


Bill (Pegasus)

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Sorry about the losses.... :(

A good clue about fish health is their faeces... did you notice if it was white, runny, red, etc.

Also pays to keep a close eye on body condition for first few weeks. I would also change water temps slowly, about a degree a day. I also dose my tank with preventative doses of formalin and green about every 2-3 weeks.

I hate getting new fish and they die days later... happens....

(high temps will explain the plants dying too)


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