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Nice big tank.


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from Oregonreef.com

"The calcium replacement needs are handled by the Deltec reactor, which pretty much just leaves cleaning and feeding."

Once again, look before you leap Layton

steves tank has a reactor not this one

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Thanks to Hans Werner Balling, the times of Kalkwater / Kalkmixer / Calciumreactor etc. are over. They were not very reliable. Kalkwater doesn’t provide enough Calcium and KH (Carbonhardness) for a high amount of stonecorals and with the reactor its difficult to keep KH and Ca (and maybe also Mg) at the right, high value. Due to the fact that in my first life, i was a skilled chemistry laboratory worker, i feel a certain sympathy for messing around with chemicals.

That pretty much sums up my opinion too.

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One (2 including you, layton), mans opinion.

Note that he says that he was a trained chemistry technican, and you are some what of a academic as well. I don't think it would be an easy or cheap system to run, compared with someones like Steve Weasts. (change the media every so often, no other additives)

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I don't see it either. It is obvious from you initial comment you find it difficult to run a reactor Layton, but you have been quick in this thread to leap in several times with little critisisms of them when a read of the thread will show several people, myself included, who find them dead easy, the least effort method.

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Sure it's opinion. There are a few people going this way though.

A couple of people down here have ditched their calcium reactors, and a couple more have started using CaCl and baking soda. There's cracker, and chimera looks like he's a little frustrated with his calcium reactor, reef's dabbling with it.

Done properly two part systems are easy to run, and pretty inexpensive. Costs me a little over $1 a week for a pretty high demand tank. Tuning can be done in a single day, as opposed to several days or couple of weeks with reactors. And you directly adding what you need, whereas with reactors you adding CO2 and CaCO3 then trying to adjust abstract things like flow rates and bubble counts. Which when you think about it is a pretty longwinded means to an end. Two part is more of a back to basics approach.

And yes wasp, I do think a reactor is more difficult to run when compared to this system. Why? well because of the abstraction of the controlable variables (bubble count, and flow rate) over the ones you're measuring (calcium and alk).

Like all things, there is always one best way to do something, but the one best way can vary by individuals circumstances. Something which is least effort for one, may not be for another.


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OK Layton, well said, a good post, and informative.

I'm happy to see positive stuff like that, as to why you like a particular system, but don't like the negative snyde remarks in the other thread about a system someone else is using.

So I'll second your post, although I still believe, as a person who has used Randies 2 part for quite a while, that a calcium reactor, run properly, is easier. But each to whatever suits them, no worries. :D

BTW, Reef "dabbled" with 2 part, and has now given it away & returned to the easier calcium reactor.

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That tank and the tank room are one of the best I have seen so far over the last 5 months from viewing over the internet. :hail::hail::hail:

The auascaping he has done seems to be the trend more and more people are turning too from the photos I have seen online aswell.

Definately a reef central Tank of the month.

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"abstraction of the controlable variables"

I don't know about others, but to keep mine running well, I make sure the bubbles a bubbling 1-2 per second, I make sure the outlet is dripping, starting at a fast 4/5 per second and don't bother resetting it until in almost stops, which takes a week or so. Take 2 minutes to open the tap and reset the water drip.

The main reason the calcium drops slowly is the 60 litre water changes I do at least once a week with red sea salt. Its low in calcium and slowly brings the system down over a few months.

Can't get much easier than that.

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"Wow :o Why is it that our friends over in Germany have the most amazing tanks? Why is it that a lot of the innovative items coming onto the market come from Germany? New ideas (Balling) actually old but new. The best magazines I'm talking about Koralle magazine that's coral magazine here. which is one of the few magazines worth buying. Need some more examples check this out http://www.korallenriff.de/29interzoo/index.html some amazing products on there way click on the different company profiles on the left Tunze have some neat pumps on the way :D


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well the tank looks good. but all the corals look loike they have been purchased large and placed in the system. it does not have a grown reef look with inter winding corals, looks more like a fruit stand! so it doesn't really show if the calcium/kh system is working well. we think that if you see very large nice acro colonies that they must be grown over time. this is not the case as you can buy virtually everything (thats not banned that is) in germany for the right price and this includes coral colonies as well. let wait and see how this tank wll look in say 12 months and how many original colonies are still visible (because if you have the dosh its easy to constantly replace your licestock with new healthy one and your tank always looks good.

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That is a nice tank and setup. but is it that great? nice photos but nowhere near as nice as steve weast tank.

To be fair also it is a new tank so would be nice to see it in 6 months time.

I have always believed the Germans have generally the best tank. Lots of there methods have been around for a long time and it is only now that they are being imported into the USA that people are taking notice.

Again subjective as i am German. :D

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