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New tank water test


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Ca 320

KH 6

Phosphate 0.25

Mg 1080

Nitrate 0

Nitrite 0.1

Ammonia 0

Ph 8.1

I have some green alge growing in the tank especially on the new rock and glass. Not a lot. A build up on the sand which is expected as it is the nice white stuff.

2x weeks and no water change at this time and are hoping to get the Ca reactor running this weekend with mg chips also.

Where should I start?

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A few bits of un cured rock along with all my old rock which is mostly in the sump. Corals and fish.

I am feeding quite heavy as I want my powder blue to gain weight. But no more than normal and same amount everyday.

I have lost a couple of fish in the move which won't help.

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Slow down on the feeding a bit and use NORI for the powder blue.

They can survive on that if they have to.

You need to get the mag and Ca levels up and the KH too.

Chlorides plus baking soda will get them up in 2 days.

Dont add any more fish or coral for at least 2 months.

You need to let the Live rock build up its bacterial population first.

Prodibio "Biodigest" will speed this up.

PM Reef, he can tell you where to get some.

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Like yourself Duke, I put some uncured rock into my tank recently when I set up the new one. Actually it was 6 kg dry uncured rock, added to the approximately 20 kg existing cured rock. I thought I could wind up the zeovit & deal with the extra nutrients, but in fact there were some problems.

I still have a phosphate & nitrate problem, nitrate is around 10 ( used to be zero ), and phosphate is around 0.10, used to be around 0.02 ( hanna ). Phosphate when i initially set up the tank was much higher, at around 0.70 but dropped fairly quickly to 0.10, but i have not been able to get it lower.

Not sure if this is still a residual effect from the uncured rock, or it may be I have set the zeovit reactor up a non standard way, I thought it was clever but it may be a mistake.

Or it may be something else, I don't know.

Also, simply setting up the new tank can upset things and cause some problems.

Anyhow, be interested to hear how you go. For me, I'm hoping phosphate will sort itself out, but it has not shifted for several weeks now.

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