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Feeding Corals


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No. That would be more than I've spent on ALL Zeovit products I've bought in the 2 years I've been running the system!!!!

You REALLY have a problem with Zeovit Huh Layton?grlaugh.gif

In fact it's so long since I bought my 50 ml bottle that I cannot remember the exact price, the stuff really lasts. I only know my total spend.

Not sure what you're used to Layton, but CV is used by the drop, not the litre !! grlaugh.gif

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Coral foods which I found work well is reef roids and reef booster.

My xenia doubles size every few weeks. The reef roids are some type of zoo plankton and the reef booster seems like some sort of fatty acids.

For SPS the best food is amino acids as most hobbyist using it have noticed far better colour and growth after a 4 week period.

Whilst you get great polyp extensions from using foods I doubt it does anything for SPS coral as it is too big for the polyps to utilise, they probably open due to being bombarded with fine particles.

I have been told that someone in Germany has done test on some coral foods and found that many foods are only fatty acids like sardine oil with a big price tag. Julian sprangs food was the worst.

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Well as the people who make it have a financial interest, they must automatically be lying, right? :lol: :lol:

At least that's the line of logic you applied during one of your zeobashing fits a while ago :wink:

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One thing about feeding is that it is easy to pollute your tank. Most people don’t run a low nutrient tank so adding coral food need to be done very sparingly.

I was adding the reed roids daily and started to noticed thr rocks going dark which is a sign of a build up of nutrients. Now i only dose twice a week.

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Well as the people who make it have a financial interest, they must automatically be lying, right? :lol: :lol:

At least that's the line of logic you applied during one of your zeobashing fits a while ago :wink:

:roll: Again I never said that. You twisted something I said. What I actually said was:

Your choice is to to look at the evidence and observations available, and ask whether the description of fertiliser fits it, or alternatively take the word of people who are in discussion with the manufacturer. Going buy their staunch stance on not releasing information on what their products contain, do you expect them to confirm such a question. Like people have said it could jeopardise their revenue. Which is why you really have to focus on what the product does, and go from their.

and you response to that was:

Basically here you are accusing them of lying to get money.

I don't "zeobash", just ask questions, and note observations.


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One thing about feeding is that it is easy to pollute your tank. Most people don’t run a low nutrient tank so adding coral food need to be done very sparingly.

This is what I needed to know

So with my Nitrates running around 25 (have to test again today) should I be feeding Reef Booster (I feed it once a week at the moment)

And what is this Reef Roids is it also a prodibio product

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