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Malawi with eye fungus?


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Our big giraffe hap has fungus on his eye, i treated with salt yesterday, then noticed brown tinge to water today(no drift wood in the tank) so did a 25% water change and added a bit more salt for the salt i took out, now i know meth blue is the best for fungus but when we went to hollywoods they didn't have any, the said white spot cure is about 70% meth blue and to put one drop of it directly on his eye everyday, would this be alright i should i just keep treating with salt???

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dripping straight on the eyes seems a bit extreme.

i've only ever treated fancy gold fish with cotton eye and i use white spot cure and melafix together which works every time. :D

salt would also work just takes a longer and i usually use the salt dip method rather than treating the whole tank with salt.

hope that helps

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hi, i had a large nimbochromis with hole in the head and i put spot-off on its body trying not to get any in gills (this is out off water) for a week, once day and that cured it. pesonally i woundnt put it straight on its eye just give it a salt bath that should cure it. :lol:

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