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platty with tb


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hiya, i think my platty has tb, he has been sitting on the bottom since i bought him 3 weeks ago and now is having trouble swimming - maybe because his spine is slightly bent. He's still eating but spends the rest of his time at bottom under plants. never had a fish do that before.

My questions are...

1 shall i euthanise him? If i don't will the others most definetely get it too?

2 will the one the same as him that i got from the same pet shop have tb too?

3 Will he breed with my other platties if i keep him?Not that bothered about that.

4 If he does breed or has already will the babies have tb too?

Thanks for any replies. This tb thing is quite scary isn't it.

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was his spine like that when you got him? theres quite a few illnesses that can make a fish do what your describing but not many will make a spine bend or get deformities. fish can be born with bent spines, those should be culled but some of the LFS's suppliers dont.

im not too up on the contraction of TB other than i know it is catchy, to humans as well so dont let any sores/cuts/abrasions etc get into contact with the water just incase.

sorry i cant be of more help to you and your platty, i hope you can find the cause and try help him out. good luck :)

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no his spine wasn't like that. only bent slightly in past few days.

He did spent almost all time on the bottom when i bought him not that i noticed it when i chose him. he has such pretty colours so i really want to keep him but don't wanna risk him suddenly dissappearing which is what most of my fish who die usually do and i presume they are eaten. Thinking if it's tb i should remove him before that happens.

I got him from what i would think was a good fish shop, does it mean if their fish have tb or diseases they are not good or can they sometimes not help it.

Thanks for your reply, tesha

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There could be a number of things wrong with him, TB being least likely I think. If he was sitting on the bottom when he was still in the shop you should not have bought him, despite his pretty colours. He may be sick or damaged from a net during capture.

One sick, or damaged, fish does not mean the shop is not good. Even good shops have the occasional problem with fish. It is up to the buyer to make sure they choose good specimens.

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First step in a case like this is to put it into quarantine away from the other fish, but using the same water parameters as the tank it is from.

Then keep an eye on the others, especially if you got others from the same tank.

Alan 104

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ahh yes, did forget to mention he has gotton rather thin in the short time i've had him. I've separated him tonight as after a clean he was lying lifeless on the bottom. Has since perked up but still has bent spine. Will keep you updated.

i don't really have a hospital tank as such, just a little tank i slot in my big one and put an airstone filter in. That way i don't need an extra heater or light, hope thats ok.

I will look closer next time i purchase fish. i must admit to going in and usually saying i want so many of this fish rather than choosing particular ones. i guess it would be the slower less strong ones that get caught first.

A lesson learned, thanks again for your help.

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got my hubby to dispose of fishy. He was laying sideways on bottom, breathing fast and not coming up to feed. Whatever he had it was happening really slowly. Other fish looking fine, I think. Things like this do seem to make me a bit paranoid though so watching them closely.

Thanks for all your replys

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