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Lazy Krib's????


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Hey all

I have a planted 3ft community tank with gourami, mollies (happily breeding), neons, a pleco and 2 either frustrated or lazy kribs.

Both the kribs are methodically removing all the gravel from the inside of a bell ornament and defending it aggressively. They do this for a week or so and then abandon it only to start the whole process again in about a fortnight. :cry: Are they trying to prepare for spawning or am I reading too much into this?

I cant take them out of the tank as the spare one is now full of baby mollies.

:hail: Any help and advice greatly received.

Thanks all........

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yep sounds like spawning behavior 2 me

what size is your pleco? maybe its "interrupting" them?

i have a breeding pair of kribs and dont really do anything special at all,

a 20%water change with cold water is all it takes to get em going, this works 95% of the time(for me anyway :) ).

if youre really wanting them 2 be succesfull i would put plec in with baby mollies and just watch for a while to see if theres anything else disturbing them.

these fish are great to watch spawning, you will see the female sticking her purple belly out at the male 4 a while, followed usually by a lot of shivering in or near the spawning site, then u wont see the female for about 4-5 days, unti lthe fry are free swimming

if you put your bell in the right spot u will be able to watch the whole thing

hope this helps

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The tank the mollies are in is only a little 20 litre number and it also has 4 bristles in it.

The pleco is only a wee fella, about 5cm and he scoots away really quickly from the kribs.

I am doing a 30% water change once a fortnight with a gravel clean but have purposefully not gone near their bell in case of upsetting them. The females belly is the most incredible colour at the moment.

A fish shop recently told me to increase the temp by 2 but wont that upset everyone else? It is currently on 26

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I personally wouldnt bother raising the temp, mine seen to breed at any temp, but i keep mine at 25-26. remember what works for me may not for u.

do u have bristlnose? or pleco which will grow huge?

even though he seems to scoot away maybe hes got a nice belly full of eggs? b/n can be very brave! ive watched mine gobble up a whole lot of cockatoo eggs despite attacks from mum and dad :evil:

good luck :D

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