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Help - I think my angles have got HOLE IN THE HEAD.


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I had a problem about 3 months ago with HOLE IN THE HEAD with my Discus.

I cleaned this up with a lot of doses of pills from the vet called "Trichozole 400MG"

I used about 4 tablets twice a day for 5 days...

This helped the Discus but now the Angles have some sort of flesh eating problem.

Now one of the Angels with the worst problem has 2 holes in his body at the top near the rear fin and another at the bottom near the front forming - you can see through to the other side of the fish.

I thought my tank should be good now as everything is looking good. Not overfeeding etc...

I went to the vet to get some more pills to fight this infection and started to remove some water tonight.

Guess what!!!

The poor Angel and another are looking after a large leaf of eggs. Baby angles in the making....

What do I do?

I thought that one of the angles was angry and I though that it too had the problem but it was protecting its eggs.

I can't polute my tank with chemicals now!!!

I only have 1 tank..

How do I proceed?




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You can remove the leaf and eggs, weight it with a little lead and float it in the tank with an airstone, then treat the adults. Check that it is hole in the head and not fin rot as a result of damage from exuberant mating

(which should be treated with antibiotics rather than treatment for parasites)

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i dont know much about hole in the head but it is normally near the head and generally starts off on the sensory pits and also along the lateral lines? im not sure if its HITH in your case, but it does look scary :-? is it on the actual body or on the fins/base of fins?

good luck with everything and dont stress too much about losing your eggs, they will most likely lay again :)

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Sorry, I was not very clear. I meant to float them in a small container in the main tank. You would still need to get another tank later or give them away to someone who can raise them. I used to breed a lot of angels and the one in the picture looks to have good genes, if the partner is similar you would have no trouble selling the babies. Black angels sell well. If the only damage to the one in the picture is the hole at the base of the dorsal fin I think it would be best treated with an antibiotic like furan.

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The eggs have all gone - eaten no dobt by some hungry fish!!

I am not sure what condition my fish has then since I thought it was Hole IN the Head.

I can't get a good photo of it since he is always moving and my digital can't take good photos in water unless it has about 1/2 a second!

Does anyone know of a site with lots of detailed photos of diseases?


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Hmm..thought I had a good one saved to my favorites :evil: Anyway, this might be a help, don't know about pics though



This one is Pegasus's


Darn, thought I had one with pics...I'll keep looking though! How's the fishies doing?

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