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fish 360's


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yes, he is magnificant!

Some cameras just don't do them justice. They come out all black and boring!

cant seem to get the colour right, camera is just a sony w5 and hard to make it true colour which is real deep purple :-?

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That tang looks awesome.

Personally I would leave the tank and forget about the white spot, can’t even see it on the tang, and if it does have some it is no big deal, I think you will cause more problems by trying to treat it.

The white spot will go if the water quality is ok; Lots of parasite co exist with fish anyway and come out when things are not right.

A small amount of white spot will not cause any harm and it is only a problem if it has lots of white spot as the fish die from bacteria problems not the white spot.

Don’t overfeed the fish as it can cause more harm than not feeding then enough.

Treating fish should be the last resort as 9/10 fish die from the treatment.

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Yes the fish has only just recovered from whatever had been ailing him, and may still be a little susceptable to changes.

All the fish will now have more immunity to whitespot than they had before, it could be that if you just wait it out, monitoring carefully, the whitespot will slowly subside and eventually dissapear.

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How about a 'happy middle ground' ?

Lower your salinity to around the 1.018 which is what a lot of our fish are held at in QT. Lower salinity (not hypo) is supposed to be easier on them when fighting off something, higher oxygenation, all that stuff.

Then, worse case scenario, if WS does come back with a vengeance its not so far to drop your salinity to hypo either?

If we are setting up new tanks and buying corals and fish I think its going to be pretty tough to keep our tanks WS 'free' even with lots of hypo and QT. Resistant fish is the ideal.

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