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Hi everyone, I've been offered some of the coldwater seahorses and although I've got the book on how to care for them I was hoping to get some ideas from people who keep them on the best sized tank, what mix of sexes to get and what equipment I need to buy to keep them happy. I've not kept saltwater fish before but have got about 40 freshwater so understand water parameters etc. I live near the beach so can get some different live food for them if that's a good idea? I was thinking of either 4 or 6 seahorses so what volume of water would I need? Thanks in advance for any help or advice anyone can offer. :hail::hail:


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Hi Rebecca,

Do a search on Seahorses on this forum. I know of at least one person here who is Seahorse mad - I think the name is SEAHORSEMAID or something similar.

I hear coldwater seahorses are a little harder to take care of, especially when it comes to summer time as they like temperatures around the 21 degrees.

There are lots of great websites around that will give heaps of information. Go visit www.seahorse.org for example.

Also remember that seahorses require special foods, and some are really fussy and will only eat live foods which can be hard to harvest enough for them to eat. Make sure they will accept frozens like Mysis Shrimps. NOT brine (or monkey) shrimps, they are not nutritious enough.

Good luck...

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