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Betta in a small bowl!!


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I just noticed a trademe sale on with someone trying to sell a Siamese Fighter being kept in a small bowl -more like an oversized wine glass!! No heater or filter of course. She said it had been in there for three months and that this was OK if it was kept indoors. Surley this can't be healthy for this poor fish? I did make a comment on the auction that it was tropical therefore needing heater and filter but ignorance seem to rule here. Or am I wrong?? :evil:

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Maybe that person didn't know that it is not really the best way to keep a wee fish.

Not everyone instantly knows the "right" way to do something.

You see pictures of bettas in pretty bowls, i think some hotel somewhere in the world use to have a bowl with a goldfish or betta in each suite as a feature.

That person is not neccessarily doing anything wrong. They may just be uneducated or misinformed. Perhapes someone could gently explain that it may look pretty, but the fish would benefit from a bit of aeration and a filter, and maybe a heater and larger space. and explaining why these things are reccommended and what they actually do.

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unfortunately there will always be those who would rather do things the simplest way possible even after being told gently of the correct way and as long as the fish doesnt die on them they really dont seem to care - even some fish stores have them in the small containers and one store i was in even had them in "Quarantine" in small containers where they would be encouraged to become sick as there was only a small amount of water and no heating, aeration etc = so even those who supposedly know wat they are doing get it wrong

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Ditto to what was said above...small containers are NOT the way to go! Before I had fish and came here...a grocery store was selling them in small square shaped glass containers. Even then I didn't think it seemed to be right, just a feeling seeing these beautiful fishies in the small containers. But, how many people wouldn't know the difference, I mean for me it was just a "feeling" that I had but I bet many wouldn't know.

It is really sad and since we don't have any major pet stores here, only Walmart and a small "pet" store...and lots of people don't have the net...so, really how would a person know the difference!

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Hi All,

Without me wanting to cast any aspersions around, :oops:

I was in Christchurch on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Doing as I do when down ther I tour the Pet shops to see whats available and get my ear to the ground so to speak. :x

Well I can tell you that in one shop (in Blenheim Road) I saw not one, but 20 male fighters in less than I would expect for a "SHOW DISPLAY" Tanks. :cry:

The shop Owner assured me that this was the "IN THING" to have on the coffee table, and they sold them like wildfire; at $30.00 each.

Poor fish, and damned thieving non caring shopkeepers. :evil:

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Once more into the breech young man. :cry:

In saying that we dont condone the action of the small containers to house Betta's, I must admit my guilt; AND I hope other breeders will also.

I rear male betta's in AGEE Jam Jars in the fish room. They are in them until they are big enough to sell, which could be 6 months. :hail::bow::hail:

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