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Custom glass tank in Auckland?


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Can anyone recommend where I can get a tank made in Auckland? I have an existing tank stand and I need a tank that's

850mm long

400mm high

360mm deep (from front to back)

I've heard you can save money by getting a tank made by a glazier, but obviously I want someone who knows what they're doing! I'd like someone who has plenty of experience making tanks and is aware of all the weight/pressure/bracing/sealing issues unique to fish tanks.

Any recommendations? And what kind of money should I be budgeting?

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hi yes contact greg ...... i just picked 2 tanks up from him yesterday that i had made to order and he has very good prices and his work it top of the line..... his details are....


PM me for the details

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hi yes i have permisson to give his details out .... was talking to him yesterday when getting my tanks and he said i was welcome to recomend him to others wanting tanks made......... i didnt no i wasnt allowed to have this in a post....

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I just re read the rules (for the millionth time in two weeks 8) ) and I can't see anything wrong with it stompa so you done good. I think the issues that have been in the gun from the admins have been the slanging off going on between commercial users on this forum and perhaps some anti social behaviour. My $5 worth :P

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We ask that you post no personal information (real name, e-mail, etc…) concerning another user without that person’s express written permission.

Tanksman, go back and read it for the 1,0000.001st time then, and you may just spot the quote above.

Good grief, I see no inconsistancies with what has occured here.

Alan 104

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Well OK then your the bosses.

I still reckon it would have made far more sense for the mod that edited it to go

http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/tanks- ... t6019.html

Especially since the blinkin search function is not working unless your reasonably computer literate.

It would seem you are allowed to post details about who has bought what on trademe but your not allowed to recommend a good trader - who has already posted those details in the forums anyway.

And how do you know stompa doesn't have it in writing? :o


I made accusations in this thread which were unsubstantiated and more importantly unverifiable. For that I apologise and will now retire into oblivion. It has been great having priviledges on this site and I will watch now from the cheap seats. This is my personal choice - it has not been forced on me. not as yet anyway - it probably is deserved.

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Ah interesting that this should come up again, and under the exact same circumstances, as what happended to me a couple of weeks ago.

Without wanting to incur the wrath of the mods who i think have had a pretty hard time of late i would just like to put my $0.10 in.

Firstly, by posting Greg agreed to the rules as do we all, specifically...

Think before you post. Once posted, things generally get left in perpetuity.

Secondly, Greg has posted his phone number in the commercial trade and exchange section. I feel this is not "personal information" its "business information" as he is advertising a business and accepted the rules above. IMO Posting his phone number is no different to posting the phone number of any other business that has advertised in any public medium such as yellow pages or trademe.

Just my $.10.... carry on.

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yes i agree with your last post tanksman..... i havent been on this site as long as most people on here but ive seen worst things put in the forum..... i have his verbal permission ..... but not writtin i didnt think to ask him to write me a note saying " oh yes stompa thats ok " " signed greg" ...(feel like im back at school :o )... seems to me like people shouldnt bother asking for help with who builds tanks,,flters e.t.c.... as if we say yes we no somebody they will ask straight away "oh who is it can you give me a way to contact them" and we then have to play games by saying " no cant give details" and if it was me i would go away thinking why did i bother going into that site and asking for help.... dam stupid if you ask me.....

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Well excuse me Tanksman.

That last effort of yours has lead you into a position where you owe a valuable member of this forum and the FNZAS an apology

It was not the mod you think it was.

It was me, Alan, and I don't tear off to "put rubbish" into the fun threads as I find I have better things to do.

Like finding posts that have private informtion as per the rules, be it business or otherwise.

Notice that after I did the edit I put down a suggestion to PM the original poster for the details of Greg.


Now I await your reply to Caryl

Alan 104

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i have an idea, how about we just drop it.here is not really the place to be slanging away at each other. whats done is done (even though it can be changed :D ). if anybody has a problem with one of the mods or another forum member than i think it should be delt with in another place, like PM's, instead of hijacking somebodys thread.

good luck with whatever you end up putting into it mate!!!

just keep it cool guys, we are all friends 8) 8)


p.s. i hope i dont upset anybody by saying this but it is happening alot, please dont slang away at me now because i am trying to settle it.

just my $2.10


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Don't worry about it whetu, its an ongoing discussion and nothing to do with your question. I was just teasing evil, like I do every night in the chat room

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I hope you don't go into hiding and I hope you enjoy your new tank once its made



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