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night shot


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speaking of which, the lack of colours its starting to piss me off now. everything "bad" (phosphates, nitrates etc) tests as zero even at triple tests (granted, the salifert test kits still dont go low enough so still likely to be nutrients of some sort) i am figuring its the sand bed and so am considering going BB for a while to see if it helps. my gut instinct says sand bed (specifically from the fuge) but disturbing that means upsetting the critters living in the sand. the substrate is only 1" high in there. the tank only has 3 x 150W halides so more lighting would certainly help but i dont think that is the show stopper. lastly i realise the low figures i had for my water chemistry parameters (low ca, kh and mg) certainly would not help either. i did notice my acro's showing great signs of colouring until around the time the calcium reactor packed up on me and all these figures took a rapid decline. so i think the ups and downs in water chemistry have a big part to play as well as nutrients. i have seen other tanks with great colours and lesser lighting than mine (cookies!) i have everything required to provide low nutrients (good skimmer, zeovit, rowaphos, regular water changes) yet inadequate colours.

any further suggestions to the above? im all ears :D

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If it were me I'd get the reactor and Ca/Mg/alk problem sorted first - then see if it makes a difference, didnt you say that you have probably had an alk problem for ages?

Your skimmers pretty awesome- from the pics I see of your tank the bottom looks pretty clean.

How about using some instant mix seasalt for water changes for a while?

Molybendium/Strontium/Iodine addition?

Phytoplankton reactor? :D , that would be cool!

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yes, keep a log. 15% water changes every 3-4 weeks. brendan says 5% every 1-2 weeks is fine with zeovit. i dont think a larger water change will help. reef is most probably right about it being kH, as colours were starting to come along nicely until reactor crapped out and kH dropped to 4. it's now on 8 but ca and mg are on the lower end of the scale. nsw being the issue? now i know thats crap based on others that use nsw and their tanks.

i will post the log tonight when i get home. i got a small whiteboard in the sump room that i keep a record of the last few months of changes.

rowaphos and zeovit not preferred, but not a cause of colour loss. rowaphos was used to reduce what phosphates were currently in the water. zeovit stops nutrients at ammonia level i thought?

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