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We just bought ourselves 2 flamed dwarf gouramis and one of them seems to be rather aggressive towrds the other one.

We have an AR380 AquaOne Tank (38l).

Is the tank too small for them? Or are they just "playing? Should we take the aggressive one back to the shop? or should we just leave them for a few days to see what happens?

Help! :o

By the way, we've have got 2 kuhlis and 2 bristlenoses. They are somewhere round the back. Have not seen the kuhlis for awhile now. :lol:

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Well, I'd have to agree with you Tanksman,

Don't always believe what the shop assistant tells you, they are there to make a sale remember, if you are Lucky, you may get an assistant that does have some Knowledge of Fish, as far as I am concerned they really shouldn't have a job in a Fishy Shop, if they have no knowledge of Fish Keeping. So do lots and lots of research, before buying the Fish you are wanting.

My gudness 38Ltrs, hmmm not a very big tank at all to be housing these 2 wee Fishys. :-? :-? :-? :-?

Happy Fish Keeping :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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