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harlequin tuskfish

warick hearn

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Fair enough, though we have to import quite a lot of our stock as well, from Hawaii, Red Sea, Vanuatu, Indonesia..

Out of curiousity what are general prices for livestock such as purple tangs, majestic angels, blue face angels, gold rim tangs & yellow boxfishes over in NZ?

And you're right, we do pay more for the beer over here, even though it tastes like crap.. :lol:

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Out of curiousity what are general prices for livestock such as purple tangs, majestic angels, blue face angels, gold rim tangs & yellow boxfishes over in NZ?

Don’t ask, it will open a whole can of worms as the perception is from some naive hobbyist that importers and retailers are making a killing.

I see in Australia a cleaner shrimp cost over Aud$100.

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I saw coral babded shrimp for $20aud. Definately waaay cheaper over there for all the stuff I saw - and that was only in one tiny shop.

I talked to the guy running the sotre and he said it was all the import restrictions we have making it more expensive- which makes sense.

Then I saw VB - 6 for $12oz. Haha, its way cheaper over here - and its been imported.

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You robbed them at that price?? In Australia you can pick them up for around $80 AUD....

Hardly a steal!

Would it cost you less than the $172 he paid minus the $80 you would pay to bring one here for me ? Jump on that plane mate.... I'll even shout you a beer too.

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You robbed them at that price?? In Australia you can pick them up for around $80 AUD....

Hardly a steal!

new zealand pbt $180...

australian pbt $80...

not having to listen to an aussie accent at the fishshop.................priceless :lol:

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