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Can I turn off light?


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Just before Christmas I moved my 10 gallon tank upstairs. Now, I don't keep the heat turned on up here, it is always warm...well, at least this winter is was. But once the lights are on in the tank, it gets too warm and I have to put the fan on.

There are 2 incadescent lights in this tank...I was wondering, could I just loosen one of them enough to turn the light out? Since I don't have any real plants that depend on the light. I thought maybe this would maybe help keep the temp down, what do you think? I don't imagine I could take the bulb out completely could I, I would think that doing that could that be a risk of getting water in the outlet?

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is it a water proof light fitting? if not it COULD get water in even if there is a bulb in place so it wont matter if you take the bulb right out. If you worried about water getting into your fitting buy an RCD (you should use one to be safe anyway) that way if there is a problem you wont get electricuted.

Running fans during summer is pretty common, they don't cost too much to run and as you say you aren't having to heat the tank so your saving power there anyway.

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I would suggest putting the light onto a timer, even if it just goes on for an hour or two at the time you want to look at them. When fish get a scare i.e. light suddently go on at random and people are moving round, they will hide and lose their colours.

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Thanks all :bow::bow:

What are bunnings?

I do have a timer for the lights. I may have to move this tank downstairs when summer comes. Any suggestions on how I can keep the temp down in this tank? Last year it was ice in bags, fans...anything I can do on a more permanent CHEAP basis?

Eventually I want to get them at least a 29 gallon tank...but right now I have to watch my money :(:(

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Nope Bunnings here then.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Never hold your farts in. They travel up your spine into your brain and that's where shitty ideas come from.

:lol: :lol: :lol: That's a good one Caryl :lol: :lol:

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