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What can you tell me about this fish??


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Hi all,

this is my first post so please go easy on me, my wife beats me enough every week..

I am looking at a fish on trademe from (i think) the same guy who run's discus haven in auckland (phill), i can't find any info on it and would like ot know before i drop it in with the rest of my fishy lot.

it's called a peru zebra and is whitess and Spotted With huge Flag tail.

and as the auction say's "and only Grow to our understanding to approx 100mm"

Has anyone seen or heard of them before??

being wild caught i am worried for the other fish and later ones.

my tank is 5 foot by 2 foot by 2 foot. has three bristlenose, two (soon to be more ) noen's, 4 clown louches, 4 sae, 7 - 8 molly's.

i want to add 5 -6 elephant nose at a later date and two three dwarf gowi's.

i run four 40w tubes, three 300watt heaters, 1 by ehiem p22028 filter and one fuavl fx5 filter and under sar heatring cables.

water are all good etc...

any help or info on him would be great ..

thaks guys..


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I can tell from reading your post that you're Nth of the Bombays.

Don't know why ppl aren't proud of where they come from.

I was from One Tree Hill.

Where are you residing??


Alan 104

Oh!! ps.

Welcome to the site too.


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sup ewok, welcome to the forums. If you put your location on your profile people will find it a bit easier to see you're a proud wellingtonian :)

The "Peru Zebra" had a long discussion here in the past... with the search function crippled I can't find it though.

Sounds like you have a wicked setup, looking forward to meeting you and comparing tanks sometime ;)

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Just moved out of the heart of the city to Upper Hutt.. about the same travel time as Wai but without the tyre-busing hill. Still go to Uni (older student!!) in the city so I'm spending a lot of time in Welly still. We LOVED Wai and wanted to buy but there was too much competition in the market for our budget. Rather comfy in our dodgy neighbourhood now :)

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Hi, , don't know anything in particular about that pleco, but I've bought from Phil at NZ Discus and had fish shipped down to Dunedin no problem, so I'd recommend him.

If you've got the time to go hunting www.planetcatfish.com will almost certainly have info about the fish, it's just a matter of finding the thing amongst the thousands they describe :)

Only thing I'd caution is that it's wild-caught, and will probably be very finicky about water conditions. It's probably used to soft acidic water (asuming it's from the amazon or similar river) and if it goes into a hard water tank it'll probably be very unhappy. It's probably also used to close to zero nitrates and won't cope well with poor water. I'm just getting the hang of the wild caught Altum Angels I got from Phil, and keeping a very pedantic eye on the state of their water and doing _lots_ of water changes to keep them happy. I don't know how much they'll tolerate, but when you pay big $$$ for wild caught fish it's probably best not to risk it :)

Good luck with it if you get it, it's a great looking fish!

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