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rams and formalin


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okily dokilys, some of you know about my ram trouble. lost 2 already (i put it down to the funky mix in that stupid med :evil: ) and now my female breeder is heavily breathing, weve put this down to gill flukes. wake this morning to find my male lethargic, gills hardly moving along with mouth but still moving fins like normal etc, also had a slime coat prob i think as sand was sticking to his anal and caudal fin (resting on the ground). so i moved them both into a holding tank and dosed with formalin for gill flukes (assume the male might have this too as hes doing the one gill thing). the bottle says 5% formalin and reccomends 3 drops per litre, obviously, because rams are sensitive i did one drop, waited and hour, added another drop per litre until i got up to 3. i removed them after 3 hours cause i had to go to work. no il effects on rams during formalin treatment, even seemed to perk up a bit?

anyway, the bottle says to dose the tank and then re-dose after 10 days, but from what ive read its leave em in there for 8 hours and remove or is this just with stonger stuff. do you guys have any reccomendations on how long to leave them in for (its hard to sit in front of a tank staring at your fish ready to move them out any second for longer than 3 hours lol).

thanks guys, i cant bear to lose these ones, the male is beautiful and theyre my proven breeding pair :cry:

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SimplyDiscus.com suggests treating every second day at 1ml/10gallons. Treat like this for two weeks if you see improvement. Add extra air as it depletes oxygen, don't raise temp. Do a 50% after every 8 hours. It 'may' be different for rams than discus tho so perhaps check on simplycichlids.com.

May impact biofilter.

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The formalin treatment suggested in Simply Discus are 37 1/2% strength and not the 5% sh**. Get the 37% stuff and treat 1ml per 40ltrs water.

Don't waste your money on the 5% stuff cos it doesn't work IME.

Make sure you have plenty airation like Luke pointed out.

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that was the only stuff they had, i dont know where i can get anything else from :-? airation is not a problem but i find it wierd they perk up when its in there, the male did a few flashes today while it was in there. theyre holding in there but i need to get them into the 40L to treat with furan 2, i got told i can use that along with formalin with no ill effects?

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