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Wavy-edge swordplant flowers


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Hi Blue

Yep, I have two spares. It send up the occasional spike and a plant then grows on it. Only one at a time but its reasonably regular.

I can swap one with Antwan and one with you if you like. Perhaps for one of the marble swords.



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Talk about counting my plants before they've pupped. Noticed that the stalk hadn't grown at all in the last few days and went in to explore. Seems that a bit of some other plant and a ramshorn snail shell were the "stalk". Funny. Suppose I'll be waiting for some martii a bit longer...

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Dont worry, we all have our blonde moments.

Anyways, here is some progress pics of the "flowering" stalk. No sign of any runners yet, but I've heard sword runners can get quite long. Here

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c112/ ... 160024.jpg

http://i26.photobucket.com/albums/c112/ ... 160025.jpg

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Hi guys,

I have had another stalk shoot off the orisi that is in the plant survey... At the moment i dont need them, and i also havent got room for any trades.

If anybody wants them send me a PM, I think they should be good in about another week or so as roots have started to develop. There are about 5.


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Holy cripes! :o You need to start bending that stalk down, boy! From what I can see in the pic it's pretty thick and almost at the surface! I already count 4 maybe 5 sets of plantlets on that stalk. You'll need to weigh it down towards the farthest wall away from it and keep an eye on the daily growth as it will tend to head towards the surface again. When it gets close again, weigh it down again and again until it's done growing. Be very careful to bend the stalk slowly and if it shows even the slightest sign of "crimping" stop bending it at that spot and move on to another bend (if you get what I'm saying). Not sure how rigid it is at the moment. Good luck bro!

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Hi Antwan,

Thought you might like to know thats not actually the "flower'.

Over the next couple of weeks the stalk is going to continue to grow but each of those "flowery bits" will seperate as the stalk grows. You will get little buds at each junction. My understanding is that if you can fertislse the buds and keep them above the water they will flower, otherwise they will develop plantlets. (this happend accidently for me)

I was very interested in Alans commets about carefully removing the plantles as they mature, you will find teh plantlet closer to teh maion plant mature faster, so i muight have a go at trying to prise the bigger ones off before cutting the stalk.



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Wow, thanks diverjohn and blue. I would be keen on some Osiris, havent had one of those before. Blue, i swear it's grown a little bit just since i have woke up too, seems to be rocketing. I will certainly start weighing it down now. Cheers guys.

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You're not joking, they grow at an amazing rate until they start using the energy towards creating plantlets. THEN they slow down. Make sure that the junctions are in direct light as the plantlets will need photosynthesis to grow properly. I recommend using some kind of weight with a bit of twist tie going up to the stalk to keep it under the water yet above the other plants. Here's a great picture to show what I mean...


Osiris... red melon? hey, I have some of that! Cool beans. Trying hard to propogate it. Currently have 2 at small sizes and growing fast in the planted tank. By "fast" I mean an increase in the length of the weekly new leaves.


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HAHA blue, well i have just tied some of those metal plant weights onto the end, just enough so it sits at about half way up the tank and is aiming along. It has the direct light of the PL tubes too, so i imagine it will do well.

Oh, i didnt realise Osiris was red melon, good that yours is growing well Blue.

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It's doing OKAY. Much better than it was in the tank that had a full layer of floating Riccia "clouds".... almost lost it when it got uprooted by a large pair of male BNs fighting for territory and it took me almost a week to find it at the very back of the crypt wendtii where it blended in with the colours up at the top in a dark spot. Hope it makes it but I might see about getting a plant or 2 off diverjohn as I have a friend that's been trying to get one of mine for a while ;)

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sweet, well if you dont get your osiris to come up, would you be keen on trading some more crypts for a plant or two? perhaps some more java fern too, only if you're keen though. Since we're on the topic of swords, i have about 4 Echinodorus amizonicus that i can sell or trade to someone who is keen.

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thought i would just update this.

The little metal weights around the stalk didn't quite seem to work very well and i didnt have a weight like Blues, so, i stuck it in between the thermometer and the glass which seems to be working well. Anyways, got home from school today to see a nice little white flower coming off one of the buds, and some little teeny weeny green leaves. Anyways, here it is:



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