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Shrek's New Home - leopard fish in tropical tank


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My son’s last remaining leopard fish (Shrek) has been living in my daughter’s goldfish tank for the past six months instead of by himself in the bowl that we started fish keeping with. Nick had decided that he wanted tropical fish instead of getting more leopard fish and we finally set his tank up after Christmas.

Of course, Nick now wanted his fish back and so we transferred him across last week since the temperatures in the two tanks were about the same. (I’m glad I did as the temperature in the goldfish tank has now started to drop with the cooler autumn weather.) I’ve been keeping a close eye on him to see how he gets on with the glowlight tetras and the bristlenose catfish that are already in the tank.

What I hadn’t thought about was how similar, apart from the orange stripe, glowlights are too female leopard fish. Shrek has been hovering around them looking very excited! :-? He seems to be most attracted to the female glowlights with their slightly rounded tummies. Fortunately, there are enough glowlights in the tank that no one seems to be getting stressed out. It’s very funny to watch though. :lol:

The last fish to go in the tank will be a Betta. Here’s hoping that goes well.


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