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Unknown eggs

Robert Smith

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Hi All,

I have been doing some housekeeping in my tank (pulling plants) and noticed some very round stones that float! I've never seen them before, I assume they were buried in the roots of a plant. They are about 3 to 5mm in diameter, pale brown/tan (kind of stone coloured). they don't quite float, but strong currents move them around easily. They're tough, I have to exert quite a bit of pressure to crush them. I have tetra's and had guppies until the pretty but useless buggers kept dying. I've also recently picked up an infestation of Ramshorn snails from some new plants.

Any ideas what they could be? I assume they are nothing to do with my (male) fish or ramshorn snails, and since no new beastie has suddenly appeared I assume they are either dead or very hibernated.


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Hi Robert,

You say u have been pulling out some plants in your tank, these tan coloured balls, may be fertiliser balls that were in the plant roots and now you have disturbed the plants these balls are now floating around, other than that I have know idea what these would be, and from what I can make out, your tank is full of male fishy's only, so no chance of them laying eggs, unless some of them have been sexed wrong and you do infact have some females, I wouldn't have thought that the eggs, if thats what they are, would need much force to be damaged/squished.

Anywayz, maybe what and see what other ideas posters come up with.

Good Luck


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Zev and Linda have found the answer! Osmocote "prills"

Thank God for that. I can now relax and not worry about some giant nasty beastie emerging and devouring my fish. Although he'd probably have a fight on his hands with my psycho black phantom tetra. I'd never thought it would be possible to describe a fish as "rabid", but this guy qualifies.

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