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Do not support this practice by knowing what you are looking at in your LFS, refusing to buy them from them,

telling the shop that, and threaten to, or boycotting the shop if they continue to stock them.


Do this amongst your friends so as they can do similar as you as well.

What am I going on about.

I got an email from Practical Fishkeping today, showing below.

I leave it for you to decide.

They can'r sell if we don't buy.

They'll STOP

Dear Reader,

Most industry experts were expecting the proposed Animal Welfare Bill to put a stop to the trade in dyed fish, but last week I received the depressing news from Ben Bradshaw MP that dyed fish will remain legal in the UK.

Although Defra told me that “the dyeing of fish by injection or tattoo would be regarded as mutilation†it is unable to prosecute those selling the fishes under the existing Protection of Animals Act and the forthcoming Animal Welfare Bill.

Although you'd probably be locked up if you tried to do the same to a fish in this country, a loophole in both systems means that the Government is powerless to stop the trade because the fish are dyed in the Far East.

The government hasn't ruled out the possibility of future legislation, but it would have been encouraging to see a ban imposed on the sale of fish Defra itself has called “mutilatedâ€. We are supposed to be a nation of animal lovers, aren't we?

Why not vent your spleen with me on the blog?

Matt Clarke

Website Editor, Practical Fishkeeping

Alan 104

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I'm all for GE, although Alan I'm pretty sure any animal that has been GE'd has to go through a review board(just like a new species,but under MUCH stricter rules), before if comes into the country.

I assume your talking about those glow in the dark zebra Danos?


My uni bio lecturer had to wait 3 years for approval to get a geneticially engineered strain of yeast (and $20000). It is a huge problem for the biotech industry.

What does dyeing entail?

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I was just curious if approved species could be imported wether genes had been added or not. There are a lot of things going on in some of the Asian countries which I am sure many fish keepers would get a bit squeemish about if the knew. The way antibiotics and steroids are cheap and easily available leads to a lot of misuse.

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Caryl said:

It is painful for the fish and they do not live very long after having been injected

Is it a proven fact that fish suffer pain..?

If so.. then why are the millions of fish per day allowed to flap around on the decks of ships for extended periods until they are either dead or snap frozen in the bowels of the ship.

Do we consider this when we go fishing and pull a fish out from the sea, then delight it taking it home to show the family and cook it for a meal.

Yet we create such a fuss about putting a sick fish from our tanks out of its mysery :)

Few would look at the pain (if any).. that these fish are suffering and boycott the fish and chip shops or burger joints :)

The GM debate will never be settled.. as it can be looked at in several ways..

Either Genetic Modification... or Genetic Manipulation.

Do we boycott the long finned Danios.. the LF Neons.. the WCMM.. the high strains of Guppys that we see today.. or the fancy Goldfish strains.. ?

Most of these would have had some form of genetic interference done upon them.. as selective breeding would be costly and take many years to perfect.. and most of it would have been done overseas.. but yet we still buy these fish.

I'm not in favour of dyed fish.. but people who go on about GM should consider that most of the food they consume each day has had some form of GM in order to get to the standard it is today.


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My original posting did not refer to any GM or GE or line breedings of different species.

It was solely with the injection of dyes into the fish.

Bill, if you leave a fish flapping around after capture you are rapidly spoiling the flesh as the fish understress is pouring in adreniline.

So be smart, kill and kool the fish for your use asap.

But that is not what I posted for anyway.

Alan 104

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i disagree with dying- its pointless and only for something pretty to look at, no decent fish keeper would help along such a process and alot of the more dedicated fish keepers boycott the stores which is great :D

i also dont like these stupid 'glow in the dark fish' while they might look 'cool' its stupid. why do something like this to a fish just for looks (i personally sleep at night, not stay awake to look at my fish with my torch)?

im all for it if it helps something along (obviously making a glow in the dark fish doesnt help much, maybe its a test that will move onto humans so parents can find their kids in the dark???) fish that have been selectivly bred for mutations- well i dont see much wrong as its not messing with the fish, its not injecting them with anything etc etc.

basically in my head im thinking if its not used in the name of science (ie cancer cures) or you have to use something (chemicals/other wierd methods) to get the strain its stupid

great post alan!!!

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Whether fish feel pain or not, dyeing does lead to a reduced lifespan and sterility; this is NOT GOOD for the fish or the fish keeper. Unfortunately it seems impossible to stop the idiot train. Recently I heard that new research suggested fish feel more than we thought, and could be protected under existing animal laws. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/a ... ge_id=1770

Oh and I agree with Alan, if they ever get here just don't buy them.

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How would you know that a fish was dyed?

Hmmmm...at WalMart they sell...ah...shoot...forget at the moment...thinking they are some kinda of tetra, but could be wrong! But now I am wondering, they had pale blue and pale pink!

I never bought any...but must ask about them next time I go!

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