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I got me some corys :D


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Hi there.

I got one bronze, one peppered and one albino. I was told that they would breed regardless of what type they were (only if I had a male and female but are apparently to younge to tell yet) Is this true? Or do they only stick to their own kind? Like peppered with peppered?

Also is there any way of telling the sex somehow? I have been told about their dorsal fin being more pointed if male and more rounded if male but in the tanks at the LFS they all looked the same so was wondering if there are any other ways of telling.


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I think that the albino ones are albino versions of the bronze ones, so if you the albino and the bronze are different sex you MAY get a pair, however the peppered will not breed with any of them because it is a different species. Sorry the only way i know how to sex them is by size, female is bigger when at full size.

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Well going on another post in here about sexing, a V shape body means male and a Y shape is female. Going on that line my albino and bronze are both male and the peppered is female. I also read about MRSkz and her pepper and albino laying eggs but the bristlenose got into them and she managed to save a few but they didn't hatch. Has anyone else managed to breed a pepper with a bronze or albino? Would it be best for me to take the pepper back and try to get a female bronze or albino or take the other two back and try to get male peppers?


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Please don't try and cross breed the species. There is no advantage that I can see, all you are doing is mixing bloodlines, and not keeping true to the species! Cross breeding is something that I don't like, and it seems pointless to me. Breeding true to the species seems like a much better idea, and the fry you get from it are more likely to be healthy.

Why dont you get a group of one or the other and try to breed from them. Cory's are a schooling fish, and therefore are much happier when kept in groups of 6 or more. That way you are much more likely to have both males and females, and get many more babies as well. If you only have the space of a trio then try to get one male and 2 females, as the male will spawn with both females.

I hope you take this into account.

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I did manage to "save" the eggs last time but they were all infertile. I belive that they do TRY to interbreed but just can't manage it. I don't have any pepperd ones anymore just my albinos. I have 1 odvious male and 2 very female looking ones. They have tried to breed but again B/N's seem to love the eggs, as well as everything else.

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