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Borneo Sword


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I beleive these are also called a Peace Lily. If it's what I suspect it is then it's not actually a true aquatic plant. It will not do well when submerged and will slowly degrade and die over a period of 3-4 months (or less if contitions are not optimal).

I could be wrong of course but my experience with this plant has never been good and I have no trouble growing plants... I know of many other people with similar experiences.

I have heard of people putting them into tanks for a month then taking it back out for 2-3 months and cycling the plant in this manner. This gives it time to recover from being submerged. My understanding is it's a bog plant that normally only spends a short time under water during flooding...

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Morning Jo :)

Borneo Sword (Aglaonema Simplex)

From: Thailand and neighboring Islands

Size: 11 inches

This bog plant has dark green egg-shaped leaves which are waxy in appearance at maturity. They grow very slowly and prefer lower temperatures. They are relatively hardy last for long periods of time. In captivity, growth will usually cease at six inches.

pH: 6.5-7.5

Temp: 22-28

Propogation: Division of Rhyzomes

Difficulty: Less Demanding

Lighting: Low

That's from a website as well as "The Aquarium Plant Handbook".

Glad to help.

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Thanks guys. The plant exceeds 6 inches already and pretty much the same colour as anubias. Warren I also got some Anubias Barteri which looks just like the Peace Lily. I have grown this one before and it does well in the aquarium with not too much light. I questioned the grower about its resemblence to the Peace Lily and he assured me it was not the same plant - I was thinking at the time that I had one at home and could split it up to plant in aquariums but have not tried it yet

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