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Freshwater Puffers???


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I saw some of these in Hollywoods - SO CUTE!!

What sort of size do they grow to, what do they eat, would it best to keep them in fresh/brackish water & would a millenium wet/dry or an internal filter be better for filtration etc etc ?? :roll:

I've got a spare 2' x 1' x 1' tank sitting in my closet that I might put to good use for a puffer :wink:

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It's a little hard to say for sure how big the puffer you saw will get as there are a number of different fresh water puffers. My best guess (given what I've seen around recently) is that it would get to 1-1.5" long.

Feeding puffers can be a problem (you may have seen Ira's posts about wanting snails to start a snail breeding colony to feed his puffers). They a picky eaters in that they usually only accept live food - mine get daphnia, adult brine shrimp, white worms and snails (mainly those small flat spiral ones, also through in some Malaysian trumpet snails every now and then to see how long they survive) - some puffers will accept frozen blood worms, though mine usually turn their nose up at them.

Puffers also have a reputation for being nasty - I initially had some cory's in with my pair, but the cory's ended up having cropped tails - so now the puffers have there own little tank.

So setting up the tank in the closet as a species tank for puffers would be a good idea. If they are the little puffers I'm thinking of then fresh water should be fine (though I'd tend to make sure that it's pH doesn't get too low), as for the filter - can't really comment other than don't have too strong a current/flow.

Hope this helps - as always this is IMO and from my experience.


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If they're brazilian puffers, kind of a tan with black nads and a white belly, then they're very calm, not aggressive at all. Both of mine loved frozen bloodworms and anything live. One of them would eat frozen brineshrimp a bit, but didn't seem too fond of it. They love snails though.:)

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they were just in a tank with "freshwater puffers" on it... they're really tiny, and really cute!!! eyes like this :o


I suppose I'll ask what kind of temperment they've got when I go in next w/end to get my black ghost :D

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What color were they? I think brazilian puffers are usually sold as brazilian puffers? I don't know what the "Freshwater puffer" would be. Quite a few possibilities. It's kinda like just labeling a fish "South American Cichlid"

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I saw them to a few weeks ago. No they weren't the Brazilian puffers (looked nothing like the pic you showed me Ira), more a overall greenish colouring with some yellow. Very small when I saw them but since there was no scientific labeling on the tank and since puffers can vary enormously in their temperament, I wouldn't want to risk them in a community tank. A species tank like Aqua was suggesting would probably be a good idea unless they are identified as one of the non-aggressive ones. Maybe the staff know the scientific name?

Hey Aqua it wasn't you I saw doing puffer imitations in front of the tank was it :o :oops: :o :oops:

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Hmmm that bio is interesting... no importance to fisheries....endangered

just about says it all.....

An article i read in a marine book was interesting in that they suggested that some endangered species need to be sold to hobbyists because they are able to raise and care for them better than the environment in which they evolved.... sad

get some and breed the bug eyed critters :wink:

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I totally agree with putting endangered animals into programs to be bred as pets. Get at least a second population of them in the pet trade with breeders breeding them instead of all of them out in the wild where they're obviously not going to last long. Make sure that they're going to licensed breeders or something. Don't want bob and Jill saying, Gimme two kiwis! and then not taking care of them right until they die.

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