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what wrong with my pleco?


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hey all, during a water change today i caught a quick glimpse of my plecos tummy, its extremly large :o

my first though was shes been eating too much... but she only gets leftover from the oscar (not much at all, it has to go through a Sev and a bi colour!) every second day and a few algae tabs once a week. my second thought was a tumour but its her whole area from her head to the base of her tail. lastly i thought eggs? but ive never seen a pleco with eggs so i cant be sure.

all water parameters are fine, ph is 7. temp is 27C steady. shes approx 30cm long and i think shes a sailfin or marbled sailfin-not too sure as most of the pics ive seen look like her.

when you look at her side on she cant sit flat on the ground, her tummy gets in the way so her mouth is a good cm or so off the ground. she has been hiding a bit more and has also been gulping air a bit which she doesnt normally do, airation is no prob as im running 3000lph on a 360L tank. she is on her own in there but does have a mate that will be going back in there once i get more hiding spots sorted out (bit of agro which is normal between them ive been told)

please help! im scared for her

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It sounds like it could be dropsy. If it is I don't like your chances of saving it I'm sorry, because as far as I know there is no cure for dropsy. If you could get a picture it might help as to finding out what is wrong with it.

Has it been eating well? Pleco's have a huge appetite, and just left overs alone is not a good diet for them! They should be feed varied foods and their diet should be supplemented with fresh vegetables such as zucchini, cucumber, pea's etc.

Hope for the best...

Cheers, CatBrat.

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what does dropsy in plecos look like? no scales to stick out lol

when i meant she gets leftovers from the oscar (worded it wrong sorry) i meant some of the chunks fall where he (the oscar) cant get them. theres normally at least 1 2x1x1cm chunk left she gets her mouth on. the oscar food consists of beefheart, chicken heart, ox liver, garlic, shrimp and shelled peas. and her algae tablets. i will put some shelled peas in before lights out tonight and see what happens, frank hates vegies so he wont touch it. i normally dont notice her eating much as she zips away when i walk in the room but i have caught her a few times but i will try moniter her even if it means sitting in my room in the dark with a flash light.

thankyou for the quick response, off to shell peas now

oh and i dont have a cam so i cant put a pic up, it just looks like shes super full of eggs or obese

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nar, didnt eat my corgette i put in but am dosing the tank with epsom salts tomorrow, see if that helps, also going to be making up some food i was reccomended by frans. mush up the shelled peas, mix with a few drops of olive oil (plant oil only he said) and freeze as little disks, he said the olive oil might just get things moving.

also been told maybe she got a bit of beefheart in my mix that was too big and its blocked her up so well see what happens.

shes still lethargic but still alive, cruises around a little bit at night too (i spyed on her for about 3 hours last night hehehe).

hoping for the best still :roll:

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good news i think... epsom salts have made her feel better, releived some internal pressure i think as shes not going up for air as much. shes now been moved to a spare 40L bin i used for aging water and i have dosed her with Furan 2. she seems no worse so i am hoping for the best. morrigan (a catfish lady) and frans said it seems like a parasite and from the info they gave me i agree, so im hoping i take these little bastards out and save my little marduk!!! got all my fingers and toes crossed :D

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