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co2 @ night


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hi guys

in my newest tank i am running a co2 yeast reactor bottle thingy :o and i have one or two questions about it

during the day the plants will use the co2 but in the night time they will create more, thus creating lots of co2 in the water, most probably killing the fish..... what can i do about this??? do i disconnect the co2 bottle at night or do i have an air pump running at night or what??? if i disconnect it the ph will rise which the fish (specially the delicate rams) wont like

any help is apreciated



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Hi evil,

Believe it or not, this has been asked and covered many times before on these forums. To summarize I think thr general response was to either find some way (a release valve) to stop the CO2 at night, or to run an airstone at night which will cause surface agitation - releasing the CO2 while at the same time oxygenating the water for the fish.

I'm sure you've seen it before, but on the buttons above, there's a Search facility for the forums where you can bring up every mention of co2 there's ever been.. there's a lot!


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Hi EK69, if you have good lighting and pumping in CO2 your O2 content during the day can reach over 100% O2 saturation. Therefore there's tonnes of O2 in the water which easily last the fish through the night. On pressuired systems some people use solenoid valves to stop the CO2 flow at night or use pH meters to control it. As yours is DIY you could get a T junction with a cap on the end of the " l " you simply take it off every night. It won't make much a difference to your pH as your plants don't put as much CO2 at night as they put out O2 during the day, plus your plants pick up the CO2 when the lights come back on, your actual lights off period wouldn't exceed the lights on period in most cases. Adding some baking soda raises your water's buffering capacity too so it won't swing at night if you have soft water with low pH it does risk this. Get a GH/KH (general hardness/carbonate hardness) testkit and aim for KH6.

I think it is best to just test your pH every day and night for 7 days and see how much it is changing. Changes of 0.2pH / 24 hrs don't bother fish.

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As I understand it plants don't actually stop using CO2 at night or stop producing O2, becuase there is no light they just slow down alot. There is a maximum amount of CO2 (and O2) that the water will hold, at night when the plants arn't using as much if your water is at CO2 satuation it will just bubble off, if its below it wont hurt to boost the level at night.

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I use CO2 in my 4ft Comm Tank, The system I use is completely different to what everyone else seems to use, I use the SERA CO2 System, it is sooo easy to use, when you buy the setup pack this includes a diffuser made of special plastic which the CO2 slowly dissapates thru, all you have to do is add 1 tablet every 2 days for around a 200 ltr tank, I have a 330 ltr so I add a tablet just about everyday, the special diffuser has a stopper in the top of it which you take out to make sure all of the air is out of the diffuser, then you add a tablet, this tablet then fizzes up like a berroca tablet, as it fizzes the gas then pushes the water out of the diffuser and fills this space with CO2 gas, this gas is then slowly dispersed into the tank over the next 6-8 hrs, I have had great success with this system using it in conjuction with Seachem Flourish.

May seem like a dumb question, but I'm wondering if this system would be as harsh on the enviroment as the CO2 systems that use the big gas bottles?


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