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Semi-community suggestions please.


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im starting fresh with my 2foot 90L tank and was after some suggestions as to what fish i shall get. Here is a bit about the setup i'm after:

* Its gonna have black gravel.

* its got a couply of small black slate towers topped with drift wood.

* i want to put a lot of plants in there.

* i have a small Pleco

* I want 2 feature fish, probably of the same species.

* Also a bunch of small schooling fish like neons, that won't grow large.

* I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for the fish (ie discus)

* I'm still a beginner so they must be a little hardy.

Cheers, anything will be considered. I want a really cool looking fishtank to next to the poker table :lol:

Rory M

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Your pleco will very soon be too large for that tank. When you have to replace it I'd suggest some bristlenoses. Your LFS might be willing to trade a larger pleco for some smaller fish.

I think the rasboro harlequins are attractive and they school with neons and perhaps some orange platys to add more colour.



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Your pleco will very soon be too large for that tank. When you have to replace it I'd suggest some bristlenoses. Your LFS might be willing to trade a larger pleco for some smaller fish.

I think the rasboro harlequins are attractive and they school with neons and perhaps some orange platys to add more colour.



and bristlenoses will chomp the algae as well as my pleco? (i don't even know what kind of pleco it is.. :oops: )

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Sorry Rory, I do not know what kind of pleco you have there, but im going to say that i THINK it is a red-spot pleco. Am i right someone? Anyways, bristlenoses will do a great job with the algae in your tank, they are said to do a much better job than plecos. The bristlenose isn't actually a plecostomus, and belongs to the Ancistrus genus. Ancistrus temminckii is the common one we have in NZ.

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Hi Rory,

I've just bought a couple of bristlenose's cause my tank was covered in algae, I tell ya a couple of days and you wouldn't have known there was any algae in there, and they dont grow anywhere near as big as plecos, much better choice for ya tank as it is not overly large anywayz.

Good Luck


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How about a school of about 6 Tiger Barbs, and in case of the Pleco how about some Golden Plecos, they take a long time to grow and they will look really good with dark gravel, with the tetras how about some black tetras, I also agree with the Glowlight Tetras they look good,

with the Gourami, I would go for a couple of Flame Gourami's as they have a lot of character and get along well with littler fish.

To help clean the surface a couple of Sailfin Mollys are excellent for that job, I would offer you some but I am in Australia as I have about 150 of them., You could also put in some, Albino Corydoras the help keep the bottom clean and would also look good with the gravel,

anyways hope you like atleast some of my ideas.

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We have kept a fighter in our community tank with no problems, but we were really careful about who we housed him with. We gave our black widow tetra's away because they can nip the fins, and we also avoided the fancy guppies because the male fighters can think they are other fighters and attack them. No problems with our gouramis, neons, xrays, red eyes

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It also really depends on the fighter's personality. I've kept a fighter in my community tank (platies, glowlights, bristlenose, guppies, mollies) with no worries, but the fighter I have now is an aggressive little fella, so he's got his own tank.

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hey rory.ive got a 2ft tank and have glowlights,neons,black neons,black widow tetras,zebra danios,serpaes,diamond tetras and kuhli loaches.i definately recommend kuhli loaches as they are really cool and do a good job at cleaning the bottom of my tank ie. leftover fish food and they dont grow that big and get on fine with my pleco.glowlights,neons and black neons are cheap and cool andwould go well with your black gravel.im not sure about fighters tho.good luck with the fish selections.

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