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Inherited Jebo 338


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:roll: I have inherited a jebo 338 aquarium from my grandfather complete with four goldfish. However I have no instructions for the system and I think I may not have everything right. I have never had an aquarium with pump and filter before. It seems to be a bit noisy to me. The fish are ok and I cycled the water.

Basically I stuck the pump in but I dont know where the clear little tube goes or what it does - should it be blowing air (it is not).It has clips on it to clip it to something but I dont know what.

The filter at the top has the soucrer and the noodles on top but I read in other forums that the noddles should be on the bottom - is that correct.

The noodles and scourer are covered in a brownie greenie sludge - which I think is the purpose of them but how much should there be. Does the scourer need rinsing- if so how often. And the last little bay thingy to the right has a hole the water drop through - that also has sludge. Should it have travelled through to that as it is causing sludge to drop through into the tank and making it dirty very quickly.

Also how full do you fill the tank.

Little out of my depth here but I seem to have got the jist of how to do water changes etc - it is just the set up of the system I am having trouble with.

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Sorry dont know the details for your type of tank but since they are pretty common someone here will help you out I'm sure.

With regards your filter, normally you would want some sludge in it because there is bacteria in it that cleans the water but not so much that it leaks out! However because you have just set up the tank you should wait 2-3 weeks before cleaning it if you can, the reason for this is that tank needs to cycle (get a population of bacteria) so that it can clean up the fish waste, leaving the dirty filter in will speed this process up quite a bit.

The only acception to this would be if you left the filter dry for a long period of time (i.e. longer than 4-5 hours) if you have dont this then the bacteria in the filter will be dead and will add to the waste in the water. If this is the case then clean the filter now.

To clean the filter just rinse the worst of the sludge off using water you have removed from the tank (assume you know you need to change 10% or more of the water each week??), you should rinse both the noodles and the sponge but don't rinse them both at the same time (leave a week or so between) and the noddles shouldn't need cleaning anywhere near as often as the sponge.

You should update your location so we know where you are,..

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Thanks for that. I have been running the tank now for about 3 weeks but with christmas and all I have not found out if I have it set up right - A bit slack I know, but the fish seemed happy so I didn't worry. (I had been doing water changes etc though)

The noodles are not really underwater so does that mean the bacteria on them is dead and that is causing my tank to get dirty???

I guess all will be revealed when someone can help me with the specifics of my tank.

I don't think the sponge has ever been rinsed!!

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Hi There,

I have the same tank and I had to take it to the pet shop to get them to set it up for me as the instructions were useless anyway!

And....... The clear bit with holes in, lies on top of the scourer (which is on top of noddles) and connects to the top of the pump/filter, and water flows through the holes into the tank.

Hope this makes sense....


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I think I have the big plastic tube in the right place. I am actually wanting to know where the small one goes - sort of a clear tube with a black peice with a hole on the end. It is supposed to clip to something but I dont know what.

Thanks for you help

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Okey Dokey...

This fits onto the black box (filter/air pump) inside the tank. There is a little black (upside down T shape) and the clear tube connects to this (the bit pointing toward the ceiling) - the bit that had the black thing attached goes out the back where all your leads for the plugs go. This lets the air into the tank and the black nozzle bit can be adjusted (by turning it left/right) to increase/decrease the amount of air that goes in.

Sorry for the lack of technical jargon....... and I hope this makes sense.

Hope this helps :)

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Yep - I had it in the right place but it is not blowing bubbles. I have taken off the black end and it is still not blowing bubbles but the pipe is clear as I can run water through it - The black end however seems solid - should you be able to pass a pin through the hole?? Water also runs through the little L bit ok- so I am not sure what the problem is?? Any ideas.

I took the pump out and cleaned it it was a bit gummed up - and then swapped the noodles to under the sponge. Wow - it runs way better now - infact I can not even hear it!!

Bye the way - thanks for the non technical jarragon (I wouldn't have understood what you were saying if you had used any!!)

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Ok - now I took the black end off mine (which is solid also!)- but it still blows bubbles (not as gracefully I have to say) so it can't be that the air is not going in..... Unless..... because it is a screw type connection, it is turned/screwed too tightly. You could try unscrewing it (cause mine looks like it is only just screwed on and when I screw it tightly the air bubbles stop) and then tightening it to see if there is any difference...... or the little clip thing attached to it, try moving it up and down the tube. I had to do this when I (at water change time) took too much water out of the tank whilst the pump was still going - at which point it stopped and I had to fiddle with the clip (which is on the bit outside the tank) to get it going again...

If this does not work...

The only thing I might suggest is to take the pump/filter out and take off the filter tube (the long black one with the cage thingi at the bottom) and pull off the black cover inside the filter (may need to use a key/or a Knife)...and check that the propeller thing is not blocked...... and then try again.

I hope this helps, my fishies loooove playing in the air bubbles :-)



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I don't think it will harm your fish if the air pump is not working - I think I have read posts on this site from people that don't have them... (makes sense too I suppose, as ponds don't have air pumps either)

..and I sincerley hope not as, I just fiddled with my tube (took it off the upside down T) and now it has stopped blowing bubbles (if my fish die, its all your fault....)... only joking :-)

But mine has honestly stopped working, but as I am squeezing the clear tube it is getting a little bit of air in... If you blow through the black spike next to the screw bit on yours do bubbles flow into the tank? (it does in mine)

...and I'm hoping that blowing through this after consuming a couple of glasses of wine will not get my fish tipsy......hmmmm

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The whole idea of an airpump is to cause agitation of the surface of the water.

If you're running a jebo/aqua one tank with the filter on top, the water falling out of the filter back into the tank will cause surface agitation as well, which has the same effect.

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