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Fish suggestion


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Just about got my indoor community tank to where I want it.

The plants are settling in and many of the swords and crypts

(ex-Len, Rob and Warren) are sending up new leaves. I'm

about to put together a fertilizer mix to keep them a bit happier

as well as improve the light spectrum they're getting with some

new tubes but even without that I'm pretty happy with the way

they're doing.

The tank, you may remember, is almost 4 ft x almost 2 ft by

almost 2 foot. Not a conventional size but the price was right...

Anyway, the fish population consists of a pair of Angels (ex-Cat),

8 Corydoras metae (ex-Derek), 5 Aplocheilus lineatus (ex-Fee),

a male Aphyosemion scheeli (ex-Me), 4 Ancistrus (ex-Bruce),

9 Harlequin Rasboras, 4 clown loaches and 4 Neon Dwarf rainbows

(all ex-Wet Pets). I plan on adding 4 SAEs and perhaps a nice

pair of Pearl Gouramis. Maybe a red-tailed shark too...

My problem is, I want another type of larger (Angel or Gourami

sized) peaceful mid-water fish. Preferably red but orange or

bright yellow would work too. The tank is primarily viewed from

10 or 15 feet away and while most of the fish are visible at

various times, I want something obvious and attractive to be

a focal point.

Just to make things difficult, there are various things I *don't*


No, more Angels, Gouramis, or albino fish of any sort. Also

nothing that will dig or eat the plants.

So, any suggestions? I'm considering the one of the red rainbowfish

such as Glossolepis incisus or Melanotaenia trifasciata but

would really prefer something else...

You input, as always, is welcome.


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KerryO said...

> ... how about posting a picture of your tank...

Funnily enough, I was thinking about that today.

Hopefully I'll be borrowing a 'digimital cramera' this weekend

so will try and remember to do a pic then. Got some more

Stapeliads in flower to record 1st though :)


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