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Can anyone tell me, how can I tell when my Rosy Barb is getting close to laying her eggs, she is extremely fat, and the male Rosy keeps chasing her around, would like to put her in a seperate tank with the male if she is close to dropping her eggs, do they have them all at once? do they lay in one place or do they scatter them, any info would be great.

Thanks Guys


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hiya lyndy,

ummmm...i kno a few things,but i dont know how to tell exactly when there going to breed.

what i've found with most egg scattering fish,like danios, serpaes,and black widows which i had a go at breeding,is that it worked best to fatten all the females up with good foods,such as live food and frozen bloodworm ect, and then intorduce the fish to the breeding tank at night just before the lights go off.

when the lights go on in the morning,or the sunrises and lights the tank,they are triggerd into spawning,at whish they chase each other and spin in circles around plant of whatever it is they have to scatter eggs on.

people that i know of have used a number of differnt artifitial plants,of astroturf,marbles, spawning nets live plants and mosses

good luck with breeding your rosys :)


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Thanks for the info Newtman and Caryl, might just have to give this ago and see what happens, also have some very fat Black Widows that I might try this with aswell.

Anyone know how to tell male from female in the Black Widows? is it that the female is the rounder one out of the two?

Cheers Guys


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If you can look at the BW's and imagine them without fins.

The male is the one like a rugby ball, and the female like a soccer ball.

Females are plumper and bigger then the males, all things being equal, and the fish conditioned to spawn.

Alan 104

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