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Heres The plan


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ok so heres the plan i want to make a shelf of tanks for in my garage but dont no how to do it a simple easy way or a more complicated one


complicated one


simple one

i no that the complicated one is going to cost a hell of a lot more but would be cheaper in the long run as i wouldnt have to buy so many filters and so many heaters the simple one would be cheaper to set up but cost more in the long run due to all the heaters

suguestions are what i want so bring em on! Please


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yes the pic's are to had to see Ant.

from what you have writen I will assume the first is a central filtation system and the second is stand alone tanks ?? is this right ??

something you may not of thought of is your time, it will be easyer to maintain the water quility by keeping up with the water changes(small dayly 5% water changes of your sump) even though #1 will cost more to set up.

the prob with #1 is if you get a disease in the system it will go right through all your tanks this is why I run a blood big UV filter in mine, although if you run a flow through filter it may filter(seperating filter medium with glass bafels the water flows over and under the bafels filtering the water as it moves through the medium, ceramic noodles, gravel, stones, sand what ever) out things like white spot and similer parasites.

#2 stand alone tanks is the cheepest system but requires more time to keep clean.

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Depends on how much money you have to outlay, also if there is 1 filter per tank if you get any diseases it is easily isolated, if they are all filtered by 1 large filter or sump you may need a means of isolating each tank if any health problems crop up. With one central filter you couldn't have individual conditions to suit different species, you could of course say run the top 2 rows on one system and the bottom row on individual systems to give you the best of both worlds.

I had a JBL CO2 setup tip over and contaminate one of my tanks, not linked with the other tanks luckily, but if it was goodbye GBA breeding tank.

There are good and bad points to both setups so hopefully others can post some of them for you to decide but i would do a bit of both.

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thanks guys for the help sofar!!!

from what you have writen I will assume the first is a central filtation system and the second is stand alone tanks ?? is this right ??

yes that is right

You finally gonna have a fishroom? (Or part fishroom)

yeah pritty much my mum said if it goes well and do it properly shell pay for a wall to go around it :D

for some reason i cnt get the photos any bigger when i upload them they go tiny


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system looks good Ant, just a few things

1, if you run a uv it must be on the outlet not the inlet to the sump

2, I feel the sump is to small as it is only 40 to 45 cm deep and maybe better to run 2 tanks side by side as sumps this will double sump volume

3, will an eheim give you the hight you need to feed 3 levels of tanks ?? I don't think it will

4, what fish do you plan to keep, 40lt tanks can be restricking as spawning tanks - in saying that I have 3 like that, that work fine for large killies and Apisto's

the main prob's I see are points 1 and 3

your pic is quit spook as it is similer to my plains X 4 and the tanks are bigger.

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4, what fish do you plan to keep, 40lt tanks can be restricking as spawning tanks - in saying that I have 3 like that, that work fine for large killies and Apisto's

i wanted to do apistos killis and corydoras manly corydoras what size would you recomend?

and i was thinking of just having the tanks that are connected together on the bottem two levels and have the top level just for individual filted and heated tanks

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busy day today pulled down all the old wooded shelving cleaned up around the area and dynabolted two bits of wood into the wall which i will be bolting the stand to it was a pain the neck tho i have all my tanks with fish in one the shelves that are connected to the ones i pulled out i was scared one was going to break

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